2x octopus+2x chickens

520 7 13

Hello! Hello! We've got another request from the gifted GhamzehPmd ! We've got lemon, Also fem! Nightmare oh yeah- they are also a neko

Nightmare had fallen into an odd au, she had looked around feeling a bit dazed from the fall. Why did this keep happening to her? Man, she had constant bad luck at this point, she was the black cat most likely if she was superstitious but she wasn't, she didn't care for that stuff anyways. She had attempted to leave, however her main exit way of escaping hadn't been working.
From afar, three little- well, big- mischievous little onlookers had been watching nightmare from afar. It didn't take long before nightmare had fallen asleep, only to end up waking up in a new place, it was a comfy little house filled with all sorts of nice little expensive things. Her tail would twitch in irritation, where even was she? "Awww isn't she adorable guys~?" A voice had said, nightmare now looking up at the three figures that loomed over her.
Humans. Three very tall humans were looming over her and simply just.. staring at her. Though, she couldn't deny the fact that they had been quite good looking. The slightly shorter one of the three, which the voice had belonged to now looked at the other two. "You think we can keep her guys? Pleaseee?" The tallest of three, swad, grinned. "Ohhh shattered I think that's a wonderful idea~!"
Nightmare blinked, sorta just now listening to the conversation that was currently going on in front of her, these people were absolutely shameless.
Though it was very interesting to listen to their conversation at the moment, even if technically they were sorta kidnapping her. She was terrified of them due to their height, finding them intimidating but she was also intrigued as to why they had a purpose of keeping her here, perhaps as a pet? It wasn't uncommon for people to keep nekos as pets and there weren't any regulation against it..except from two which is simply don't mistreat them and make sure you have their permission to be kept as a pet. She was curious about the trio and had decided that perhaps she would stay here a bit longer and get to know them, and so, she did.
So much so that she had become married to the three of them, the three always taking her shopping and spoiling her with little gifts..she lived a comfortable life at the moment. Though one day an mysterious little golden envelope had been slipped under the door, being curious she had picked it up and had read through it. It was an invitation to some sort of fancy rich people party, so she had decided to take the envelope over to her three lovers and inform them of the party, she was simply curious what the parties were like and so she wanted to check it out despite not being much of a party person herself.
Once they had gotten there, nightmare had seemed to notice all of the odd looks that she had been getting from men and women alike..for the women it was mostly just glares and looks of disgust and perhaps jealousy? Eh, nightmare wasn't the best at reading other people's emotions sometimes. It didn't take long before the three had disappeared and had left nightmare all alone..it wasn't too long before a whole crowd had formed with gross remarks about nightmare being thrown around along with uncomfortable behaviors and actions. The roar of laughter had drowned out absolutely almost every noise, her cries for help being lost among the laughter.
Until she had seen shattered deck someone in the jaw, he looked absolutely ready to skin someone alive or something along those lines.. it's reasonable to say that a fight did indeed break out between the crowd and nightmare's lovers. So, after that little event it was safe to say they were kicked out from it, but on the bright side she had been heading home now. Once they were home, the others had decided they'd just cuddle and perhaps even make love to nightmare..they were mostly going on the second idea since they had all been in that mood at the moment.
So, to set the mood for nightmare the trio had decided they'd put on some more..suggestive films while they had watched, one of the others would whisper dirty things to nightmare about the stuff they'd do to them which had certainly worked easily.
(Ah- skipping to the actual lemon-y stuff now- my braincells have decreased and are crying- though they always do that so-)

Nightmare had taken off her clothes, setting them aside as she had now waited for the others to undress. Shattered had wanted to try something interesting, he had wanted to sort of.. document and take pictures of everything while it happened and honestly? Nightmare didn't really mind so she was fine with it. Swad had absolutely loved the idea since he could always look back on the stuff if he wanted to while Ds had been indifferent about this idea. So shattered did, he set up a little camera and had pressed record and it had started to record a video. Nightmare had held on tightly to ds as shattered and swad had slowly entered while Ds had decided he'd do his own thing. He had stroked his length, watching his wife and his husbands make love together. It was nice to see that nightmare had been enjoying this due to how loud she had been being currently. "Nh~! Swad, shattered~! Please~!" Ds had continued to do this, eventually getting closer to his release and he could tell that the others had been too especially with how loud everyone had been being, it was no surprise how nobody had yet filed a sort of noise complaint.
Though how could they? They were all really attractive and had their own charming points to get their way, even nightmare had fit in with them as well, she had been absolutely adorable too. He had finally released, it getting all over his hand but he did release around the same time as the others did. So, Ds had gotten up to go wash his hands after having finished while the others had picked up nightmare and had prepared a bath to get her all cleaned up. Nightmare didn't really like baths, though she just sucked it up and had gotten clean.

AAA sorry if this feels a bit rushed.. my motivation had been up and down and I didn't want to have it unfinished for another month, I'm really sorry! Also, I've updated the rules a bit so I would appreciate if you checked it out!

A Generic Sanscest one shots!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें