the birds and the... octopus? <3

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Welcome! We've gotten another request from GhamzehPmd ! I hope you enjoy but first I'd like to warn you guys of some things who read even if it isn't your request!
We've got blood, violence, practically bullying, also a whole lot of lemon, if you like none of this then please do not read! I don't want to upset anyone, that also means doing your part and not upsetting yourself by reading this so again if this stuff bothers you do not the read or perish below
Perish is a joke please don't worry)

Nightmare had sat on his bed, killer had told him earlier that they should talk about something but he was busy and so killer would return and tell them later. He had wondered what this had been, though it had brought some sort of nervous energy with him. He didn't quite know why, now wasn't the time since killer had walked in and sat besides him. "So what do you wanna talk about?" There was silence from killer, a quite long silence.
"I can't do this anymore nightmare. I can't be your boyfriend anymore, I've fallen in love with someone else and I don't think I should continue this relationship." Nightmare had always known that killer and color had been extremely close, he hated it and had wanted to say something about it but had figured he'd come off as jealous so he didn't. Color and killer had loved each other, though killer knew that if he suddenly just broke up with nightmare for color others would be asking why, however he planned something. It was something that would make nightmare even more miserable. "It's because of color, right..? Was that it..?" Nightmare had asked, killer didn't answer the question and had just left the room, leaving nightmare all alone for now.
Over the last few days nightmare had been pelted with insults from both his own crew and the stars, he didn't quite know why until he had gotten a knock on his door from his ex, ccino. Ccino had been asking nightmare if the rumors of him locking killer in a basement and beating him was true, to which he had said no. Nightmare had never put his hands on killer or put them in the basement while they had been dating, he had found out from ccino that killer had been lying about this and that everyone believed him. Obviously nightmare was upset and so he wanted ccino to leave and so ccino did leave.
As more time went on things had gotten worse for nightmare, he was being physically harmed by the others now. Some of the attacks did leave marks, especially a certain somebody's arrows. Swad and Ds had been looking everywhere for nightmare. Nightmare did promise some time before all of this happened that he would visit them but it's been awhile and swad was worried while Ds was genuinely curious as to why they haven't stopped by or said anything for awhile.
They had ended up finding nightmare at some point, he was unconscious and covered in all sorts of wounds. A lot of the wounds had been arrow wounds and little cuts. Swad had obviously been worried by this and had picked up nightmare, taking them back to their place so that they could help and patch up his wounds. Once the wounds had been patched up swad and Ds had just waited until nightmare woke up, which was probably kinda creepy to wake up to when you've got two people staring at you when you wake up.
After a while nightmare had woken up, being a bit startled when he just saw swad and Ds just staring at him obviously that's kinda creepy. Ds had asked what happened and nightmare gave an answer, this answer left swad and Ds upset. "Darling, please stay here alright? Me and Ds forgot something and need to get it." Nightmare hadn't heard the words and so he simply just mumbled something and went back to sleep while they were gone. While nightmare was sleeping when swad and Ds had left, they figured they should make sure that nightmare can never get hurt again...things got... violent to say the least. Swad had been covered in a familiar red substance that wasn't determination.
Before they got back they had obviously cleaned themselves off and made sure no evidence of the crimes they had committed was found. Ds mostly targeted what used to be of nightmare's crew, swad just went for every and anyone that had harmed nightmare. Once they got home they would go to nightmare, nightmare didn't want to go back to his castle and so swad and Ds had sort of telepathically agreed to keep him here and take good care of nightmare so that they would be safe and so that the both of them could spend time with nightmare.
(Lemon is ahead, beware as this is very lemony-)
It had been a few weeks since then, nightmare had grown closer to the two and today had wanted to watch a movie with the two. However, heat month had been set on both swad and Ds so they had picked out an horror + romance movie to sort of try and get nightmare in that sort of mood so that they could do the usual heat activity. Everytime that nightmare had been slightly startled he had hugged swad or Ds, obviously the touch wasn't really the best for either of them and had only made them worst.
It was beginning to get too much for swad by this time, so he had pulled nightmare onto his lap and would whisper something to him that would make his whole face practically turn teal at this point. Swad had began to lightly nip at nightmare's neck, leaving soft marks on his neck while Ds had left to get something. After a few moments Ds had came back with a collar, swad now moving away from nightmare's neck so they could attach it to them.
Nightmare wasn't really phased by this and now the two had asked for nightmare's consent which he had given. He had realized they had been in heat and had known that it can hurt quite a lot if not treated and so he had agreed to try and help the both of them the best he could. Once everyone had been undressed, they had sort of figured how exactly to do this.
Once they had gotten into position they had began, swad and Ds slowly entering as nightmare had dug his fingers into Swad's shoulders. He didn't quite expect this to hurt so much, though technically both of them had been made of positivity so it would only make sense that it would hurt a bit more than how it's supposed to hurt usually.
After a while they had quickened their pace, ds slightly tugging on the collar from time to time as nightmare would continue to dig his fingers into Swad's bones which left scratch marks that didn't quite hurt swad. Suddenly swad had pulled out, ds continuing while nightmare had been left in some sort of daze. "Huh? Why'd you stop?" Swad's heat had calmed down enough for him to do this, so he'd lightly rub against nightmare without saying anything. Once nightmare had tried to move more closer to get more pleasure from this swad had stopped, just teasing nightmare at this point.
"Swad-!" Nightmare had whined, having wanted more but he obviously wasn't going to beg.. atleast, he wasn't going to beg since he was still getting some pleasure from Ds. Just as he had thought that Ds had pulled out as well, attempting to try and tease nightmare into begging for them to continue as well. So together it was absolutely torture for nightmare as the two had kept rubbing against him and eventually he gave in.
"More-! Please-! ... Master-!" Saying that was absolutely humiliating to nightmare. Swad and Ds looked at each other and had decided to listen so they had continued. After what seemed to be awhile, the two had released and pulled out which left a very dazed nightmare. Swad had taken off the collar for nightmare while Ds had started a bath to get nightmare all cleaned up.
Once everyone had gotten cleaned up, they would now all rest in the bed once the sheets had been changed due to the mess. It wasn't long until this would happen again, technically it was a few weeks later and nightmare had fully healed up from the last incident. So swad and Ds had a small little party for just the three of them, however during this party nightmare had gotten drunk but not too badly drunk as he didn't have much drinks like swad and Ds.
Swad had schemed something and was letting Ds in on his lewd idea, obviously having two horribly drunk and perverted birds was not the best. Nightmare was suddenly squished in between the two, Ds having asked for consent first and nightmare had agreed, curious on what the two had planned. Swad would smile, placing his mouth against nightmare's neck and lightly nipping, licking over the marks that had been left on their neck. Suddenly nightmare had been flipped over onto his stomach, he was facing Ds while the rest of him was close to swad. Ds had undressed himself, summoning his male ectobody while swad had went ahead and did the same.
Nightmare had taken Ds into his mouth, while swad had continued to mark nightmare up everywhere and all over his body. By the time that Ds was lightly pushing nightmare's head to try and take more swad had already marked up all of nightmare's neck. Nightmare had attempted to say something, his mouth causing vibrations that had started to push Ds to his release. By the time he did release, nightmare had several marks all over his body.
Nightmare had pulled away, gagging. Ds had gotten up and gave nightmare a tissue, nightmare simply spitting out whatever had been put in his mouth into the tissue. "Are you alright?" He had now asked, unsummoning his male ectobody. "Yeah I'm fine- can you get me some water?" Ds had nodded, putting his clothes back on and going to get some water for nodded.
He'd now hand nightmare the water, nightmare taking a sip from the bottle of water. Swad had fallen asleep by now, his wings covering nightmare. Ds wasn't as bad as swad was when drunk, so he had picked up swad and would set them on the bed, doing the same with nightmare as well. Now, he'd join the two of them in the bed, nuzzling nightmare before falling asleep afterwards. Their hangover was going to be really awful, most definitely.

The end! I hope you enjoyed!

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