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TangledUpGaming  I've finally made it, you goof /j

Contains: fluff. So much fluff.

Killer had made his way across the house, the others had nothing to do today so he figured he'd see his favorite person: his boyfriend horror. He was pretty sure horror had been dead asleep right now considering it was a bit early in the morning- killer was always the morning waker- unless he was sick in which the guy could sleep like a dead person for that sick day. He traced his knife along the wall on his way there, nightmare wasn't very happy to see the marks that killer left on the wall and used to constantly yell at him to not do that- which didn't work as you can see here.
Finally, he had made it to horror's room and had grabbed the door knob, turning it and letting himself in. Killer often woke horror up when he was bored or simply just because he wanted cuddles. Horror had been asleep, his face flushed in red as if he was sick; which he was. "Horror?" Killer had mumbled, slightly shaking his boyfriend awake. Horror had grumbled, sleepily rubbing his eyes and now turning to face killer.  "Are you okay?" Killer had questioned, which horror just chuckled and shook his head that no, he wasn't okay..which to be fair made sense since the guy was practically burning up due to a fever. "I'll tell boss ya aren't feeling well and then I'll stay here and take care of ya okay?" But before killer could even move his legs to go do as he said, horror had snatched him up and set him in his lap.
  "Horror! I've got to go tell boss- otherwise he'll be worried 'sick'." He punned at the last part, horror just snickered, now nuzzling killer before finally speaking and when he did his voice came out quieter and hoarse. "Just cuddle with me, just for right now, please?" Horror requested, receiving a forehead kiss from killer as killer relaxed in horror's arms. "Alright, only a little bit then I'll tell boss, get you medicine and then breakfast okay?" And the two agreed on this compromise.
   Morning turned to noon, killer and horror cuddling under the blankets as the raging storm outside the window would crackle with thunder and the rain aggressively hit the window, making rough pitter patter noises against the glass. Their very own boss was sleeping in as well, cuddling with his husband under the warm blankets despite the storm outside. Horror had gotten a bit hungry, so killer has gotten up and had went to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen he got tomatoes, rice, salami, and made horror a nice little meal, the tomatoes were wrapped in the salami along with the rice. He also had taken a cup and had made some hot chocolate for horror, he carried the hot chocolate in first since it was much better to carry it first than carry both at the same time and risk dropping both.
   Killer set the cup of hot chocolate on the nightstand, pressing a kiss against horror's forehead before he ended up going to the kitchen again to get horror's food and give it to him. Horror had taken a sip of his hot chocolate as he waited, smiling to himself tiredly. He loved killer so much, killer despite being a mischievous little fox of a person was quite caring and that's something else he loved about killer. If killer ever asked him about what makes horror love him, he'd be prepped and ready to give a whole speech or list on what he loved about killer, from his personality to the habits and just the cutest of little mannerisms he had. It was such a good day today..well, asides from the being sick part but other than that horror was enjoying cuddling with his boyfriend as it stormed outside. Maybe when he gets better they might go out and play in the rain, maybe catch a few frogs or gross out their boss with earthworms just for the fun of his reaction. Corrupt was grossed out by earthworms and honestly it was funny to see his reaction- considering the guy was supposed to be intimidating and here he was, afraid of some nice wiggly bois. Forbidden spaghetti.
    Night had came, horror and killer had been dead asleep in bed with horror spooning his lover. Horror was feeling a bit better, still a bit sick though but he was getting better. Killer however was beginning to feel unwell..and so began the swapping of germs, Killer now had horror's germs but that was to be expected since he was very cuddly and touchy with him even when horror was sick- so now they'll both suffer. The germs will probably spread to dust, then cross, then error and then nightmare would be stuck taking care of everyone since they are germy, sick but loveable bozos. Especially error, nightmare loves his husband very much.
   This ended up to be exactly the case, horror and killer had quarantined after getting everyone sick so of course those two were feeling much better and were cuddling. Since corrupt rarely got sick [unless positivity induced] he was in charge of taking care of everyone that was sick- he was like a mom and he kinda was in the sense of loving children and taking care of them but yet also being able to ground said children in a way that actually hurts- not just sandal either- not even metal laddle-  taking away the thing child loves most which in past cases was quite literally horror being grounded from killer.
   It was cold, hard week that time- however to be faired grounding horror from killer was simultaneously the worst yet best experience for horror because he lost killer but by the end of the punishment horror had ended up gaining a full on boyfriend after the punishment due to a confession.

Hope you enjoyed! ^^

Up next: blazednegativity, nightmare being bullied

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