Food for Thought.

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Your POV:

Y/N's apartment, Manhattan, NYC, NY. 12/18/23. 7:34 A.M. EST.

The sun blazed through my window, awakening me from my slumber. The sun's warm rays radiated a golden-orange hue throughout my room, warming the atmosphere slightly. As my senses awoke with me, I began to hear the distant racket of the busy city from down below on the streets. Honking, random bursts of music, the faint wail of ambulance or police sirens, the list went on. Who needed an alarm when they had loud, obnoxious noises around them at all times?

I sat up in my bed blinking slowly, beginning to stare into space as my mind began to race. I glanced at the clock on the wall in front of me, it read: 7:34 a.m. I began to rub the exhaustion from my eyes as I slithered out of bed and trudged out of my room. I slipped my fingers through my hair as I dragged my feet across the hardwood floor, making my way to the kitchen lazily.

Breakfast wasn't the first thing I thought of when waking up, it was coffee. Caffeine was the only thing I needed to start my day. People always lectured me ever since I was little saying, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" To me, breakfast is just another meal. Nothing special. I poured myself a cup of coffee as I flipped on the TV in my den. I didn't really ever watch what was on the TV, it was more for background noise. I found silence a bit eerie, especially when I was alone.

The news channel began blaring its noise throughout my apartment, waking my apartment up to start the day with me. I scratched the back of my head as I took a swig of my steaming black coffee. Today was going to be a long day, I could already feel it. I walked into my den, setting my coffee down on the coffee table. I slowly pushed my couch out of the way as I lay out a light blue yoga mat, creating room to move freely. I sat down on the mat and began to stretch in front of the TV in my den. I did this religiously every morning. But I especially needed to stay warm and limber for practice later on today. I would be on stage in only a couple days, only a few more practices until I performed.

Miguel's POV:

Spider-Society HQ, Miguel's office, Nueva York, NY.
12/18/23 8:00 A.M. EST.

I was at my desk in HQ working, per usual. All I ever did was work, but someone had to do it right? I scratched the back of my neck through my suit as I took a quick pause from my project. I took a moment to breathe, something I didn't do often. There was no time for breaks. The multiverse depended on me. I had to hold everything and everyone together. During my quick pause, I heard my office doors open. I glance over my shoulder as I look down from my platform, it was Peter B. Parker with Mayday in a baby carrier.

"Hey, uh...MJ got Mayday and I some tickets to The Nutcracker back in my dimension. Anddd...she ended up getting one too many tickets. I was wonderi-"

"No." I replied coldly, going back to my work. "I didn't even fini-" Peter began to say, "I know what you're gonna ask me. The answer is no." I reply with a snarl, "I'm not gonna go watch some stupid dance performance when I could be here, keeping the multiverse safe."

"Aww come on, Miguel! Live a little! Get out of HQ for a'll be fun!" Peter tried convincing me. Mayday let out a small cry of happiness, almost as if she was trying to convince me to go. "Plus, it's almost Christmas. The Nutcracker is only on during this time of year!" Peter continued to try and convince me.

I narrowed my eyes as I continued to look at my computer, attempting to remain focused on my work. With a sigh, I flipped a switch to make my platform descend so I could talk to Peter face to face. My platform descended slowly as I hopped down, walking toward Peter, "Look. I'm not going. Go ask someone else. I'm sure Gwen would like to go." I narrow my eyes at Peter as I look down on him.

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