Update A/N

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I just want to say I'm not doing to well.

I don't want to discontinue this book because I love it so much and I want to continue it

But I'm so tired

I barely have enough willpower to even write or draw anymore

I'm so done with everything.

I feel like I'm going insane because of my family.

I can't even fell any love for them anymore.

I've felt this way since I was in elementary and now I'm in high school.

I felt so much hate for myself that I can't stand to even take care of myself anymore. I look like a mess and I cant feel any motivation to fix myself or make myself look presentable anymore.

I want to go into therapy or even call cps since I'm underage but I'm scared I'm going to ruin my future

I hate my self and my family

Me for not holding out a bit longer

And my family for never considering how much I feel

I think I'm having anxiety attacks or panic attacks because suddenly I will get so emotional and stressed and cry until it hurts

I feel so horrible all the time

I used to hate but love my mom but now I just don't want to be affiliated with her or my dad

I want to leave so badly

My body used to be just tired but now it also hurts badly

I won't lie and say that I didn't think about hurting myself before even if I've never done it

I hate myself

My mother wants me to get baptised and if I don't she will kick me out as soon as I turn 18

Honestly I don't mind getting kicked out anymore I just don't want the study the bible anymore or be anywhere near Jehovah witnesses

Does anyone have ideas on how I can leave

I'm underage so most options aren't buyable

But whatever helps

I will post the next chapter soon but I need to edit it when I get enough motivation

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