sorry for your loss

505 22 10

Hey its been a long time.

Sorry i made ya'll wait so long thongs came up.

I got the crown virus and my lungs got bad, I feel like it shredded my lungs. Then I got sick again shortly after and with my bad lungs I had to be medicated, because it hard to breath. I have a inhaler now and have a lot of medication.

I am also busy being a perfect student. After I started school again I was really weak and my mind didn't work very well so my grades fell. My sister found out and told my parents and they got mad so I had to work extra to bring my grades up. So I've been busy with that.

I'm also in like three clubs and in one I got a lead role in so I have to really be perfect for my team.

I have been exhausted and burned out so I got a break. Sorry when i dident say anything.

Even in that state I did make chapters for this book but it's been hard. I hate how they turn out and the layout is bad because how I have to twist this story.

Again sorry but I'm really tired so I might not do a lot to this book since it's really a lot of work at the momment but I have other story's of different fandoms and this one two so I can make a extra idea book and what not.

I haven't forgotten this book and I will try again when I have the strength but at the momment it been hard I hope you understand.

Don't mind the title I'm have asleep.

Goodbye, says the turtle from Kung fu panda.

Also I think all my freinds are turning emo.

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