Thoughts //reset//

785 33 4


I think this will be permanent now CURSING

SEXUAL THEMES but no sexual intercourse  or lemons / limes as much as I like to write them . ( maybe I'll make a spare book filled with the good stuff )



( I cant think of anymore if you think iv missed something tell me pls)


Error sighed a bit as he sat in the empty room. The rocking chair Ink and Dream showed him was very comfortable.

Just a but ago the meeting with 404 and King Multiverse ended and he had tried to go back at the Anti-Void.  But blue who had saw this coming intervened.

( Flashback )

- "Error! Hey , why don't you stay here for a bit."  Blue said trying to soften his loud voice. " U-um no thank you Blue. " Error said. Scared he would move his hand and grab him by his neck again,  unconsciously he pulled his scarf over his nose and started backing away. " NONSENSE! Well get you a room right now ! You can stay as long as you'll like. And if you need help I will ALWAYS make time for you!" Blue said his voice level going louder again. Blue streaked over to Error and looped his arm with his. Error harshly flinched at this action, glitching harshly. 'Oh gosh I'm scared ' Error dident pull away thought not wanting to get the other more mad then he probably already did. He saw Blue acting like he use to and was a bit scared, he doesent think he'll trust Blue as easily anymore.  Blue did see Error flinch with confused him. ' Huh, that's strange.  Error use to never to do that. ' Blue thought. Ink getting off from the floor he dusted himself a bit before standing straight and looking at Error with the kindest smile he could muster. ' Erry! Well show you some rooms that you might like! If you don't like any I'm sure I can make you a custom one! " Ink halves shouted as he walked nearer to him. Dream not wanting to miss the action joined in just gently smiling at him. As they rounded out a sweating Error a dark figure just watched from behind. Nightmare turquoise eye squinted and his mouth twitched, regret clear at his face as he saw his ex- freind walk out the room. Sanses went out the door in suit to their AU's, papyrus must be worried . - ( End of flashback)

Error sighed again as he rocked a bit more. Maybe he should make something, his eyelights lifting up in a thinking face , what should he make? A hat, no he doesent really feel like making it. Socks? He wears sandels. A new sweater? Hmm his is a bit old and has dry dust and blood in it.

Sitting up from the chair he went to a big woven basket filled with yarn. Blue had gotten it for Error knowing he liked knitting and crocheting. He was trying his best in making Error to like him though he doubts he will forgive him easily.

Sitting down he began got his tubed circuler knitting needles and began to knit. A practice that never left him like the ones he trusted did.

( 983  words )


OK sorry if I didn't update I was busy studying. And it paid off a bit as I have A's in most of my classes. The year before I got all A's all year so I have to keep it up or my parents will be mad.

Also I'm writing another fanfiction , but I won't be posting it on here I think. I will be posting it on my real YouTube channel as my freind wants to see it and I promised this girl that I accidentally hit on to show her , lol.

Here is a behind the scenes cus your special ( also the ship is Sonic x SpongeBob ):

(      Sonic sighed heavily as his unkempt quills quivered.

He has been extremely sorrowful these past few day, even if he is living the life he just is very missing something . Money wasent a problem at all he makes millions to billions of dollars each day. Even his slight appearance in that movie where he gives a warning made him big money. Just poket money that goes to his bank with the rest of his shows. And let's not forget his recent movie were he was forced to get plastic surgery twice
It dident look like his fan base was dieing alote a either.His slogan " gotta go fast " has been used for inspiration quotes, and was retweeted over a millions of times.

Life was just boring. It was nothing like his younger days were he actually liked getting ready for his shows or games.

He was pretty sure his ' freinds ' were out just living they're lives too.

Tails got popular with his inventions n'stuff. Some helped the world while others where unimportant and forgotten. Everthing was going great, until he got canceled.  Society found out how Tails has well... two tails , and we'll it was a very interesting time. He got shunned out quick and boy was it a very dark time in the internet.

I think Knuckles has a interesting life. After a few months of silence he made himself known to the public. Turns out the guy made a mafia filled with people who ' look ' for his kind. Though it seems as if he wasent very successful as they are seen often helping elderly lady's walk down the road. -Sonic remmebers very vividly looking down at his mailbox and seeing a invitation to join knuckles ' gang ' . He wrote him a polite letter back explaining that he couldn't go a wishing luck to him.- ' Never again thought sonic, one green eye twitching.    )

Yeah that's it it was fun to write ✍. 😄

I will see yall next time.

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