Chapter 22 : Is Denim Really Gone?

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I wake up to find my kitten lying next to me still asleep. I caress her cheeks and tucked strands of her hair behind her ear that were covering her beautiful face. How wish I could stay next to her every moment and admire her.

But I can't do that as long as that damned Denim is out there. I heard her call him once and I'm damn sure he's the one helping her escape. Who is he even? Whoever he is I'll erase his entire existence.

When he is gone Y/n will be mine. Entirely. I kiss Y/n on her forehead and go out to hunt that filth.

****Time skip to afternoon****

I've been doing this for days. Searching for that trash every day, everywhere. I don't who he is and what he looks like but that it's not gonna stop me from hitting him down-

"!!!!!" I sense foreign energy inside the magic tower-


You felt someone grab your hand. You turned around to see a furious Leon. The light emitting from Denim was gone. You turned towards the system to see its blue transparent screen broken into pieces. shit! Shittttt! SHITTTTT!!

Leon let go of your hand and walked towards the now broken Denim. "What is this thing?" Leon said. You were tongue-tied and couldn't utter a word because of fear. Den. Denim was gone...? Fear and sadness taking over you. You just stayed there frozen.

Leon picked up the broken pieces of the screen. They emitted some kind of foreign energy that he have never sensed before. He traced the energy and teleported you don't know where leaving you alone.

***Time skip to midnight***

You couldn't sleep. Thousands of thoughts run through your mind of what could have happened. And De...denim? It was gone because of you. Before you knew it tears started rolling down your eyes.

"Y/n" you heard Leon calling you from behind. Ah, he is back you thought. You didn't respond not bothered to turn back. You just stood there motionless tears still flowing not stopping.

Leon walked towards you and turned you around and wiped your tears. "Y/n look at me" You stood there motionless not sparing him any glance. He cupped your cheeks to make you look at him.

When you looked at him what you saw was nothing of what you had expected.....

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