Chapter 10 : Bracelet or handcuffs?

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Leon is still holding your hand. You couldn't understand what's going on inside his mind. What's he trying to do by feeding you so much food. He even paid the money himself. If he isn't after the money what's he after. Ugh! And his stare! He stares at me like he is going to dig holes in my body! Ugh! It's so uncomfortable. Unable to take it anymore you looked at him and found him intently staring at you.

"What?" He remained silent. "Why are staring at me?!!?"

"You are beautiful" you were shocked for a moment not expecting to hear those words from him out of the all the people. You blushed a little looking away. "Oh! Well......yeah thanks." He chuckled.

You need to change the topic. "Anyway what do you want? Do you want to kill me for stealing your money?"

"I don't care about money" he said with his usual expressionless face

"Then why are chasing me as if I stole your money- well I actually did but if you don't care about money then why?" You asked looking at his face.

"Because you are amusing. Different from other people that I have seen. And Y/n who doesn't like something different? And this warmth....." he said placing your other hand on his cheek "I'm not going to let this go ever." His purple eyes turning a shade darker as he said this. He took your left hand and said some kind of spell. A golden bracelet was now on your wrist. "My kitten you are quite the fiesty one. As soon as I lwt go of your hand you are going to teleport somewhere else that's why this bracelet is needed. It'll tell me your location in case you run away again. That's why don't even think about running away anymore. You just need to stay by my side and amuse me" he said now caressing your cheek.

You were looking at the bracelet dumbfounded trying to process what he just said. "I....."

"I made it into a golden one cause I know you like gold."

Sooooooo!?!? What am I supposed to say? Thank you?!?! .......that's what you wanted to say but you kept your mouth shut as you glared at him making him chuckle.

He pinched both of your cheeks trying to get more reactions from you. You glare at him just like an angry kitten making him smile.

You try to remove his hands from your cheeks but his hands won't move. You bite one of his hands. He was taken aback for a moment. You take this opportunity to remove his hands "I'm going to washroom. Don't follow me!" you needed to go somewhere far from him to contact Denim.

You go inside a restaurant to use a bathroom. "This much distance should be enough" Now that finally it was safe Denim appeared in front of you.

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