Chapter 12 : No boundaries between you and Leon

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Now it was midnight. The lively festival you enjoyed so much was now over. It made you a little sad.

"Now what?" You asked turning your face to your side to face Leon. He looked at your direction now grinning and said "you'll be coming with me"

"Where?" You asked eager to get answer. "You'll find out" he said smirking. You sigh "okay but first I need to rest" you look at him determined to make him agree. He nods.

You both make your way to the inn you were staying at. You enter your room with Leon following you while still holding your hand. You turn back to look at him. "I've reached my room. Can you let go of my hand now.?"

"No" he said with the usual blank expression. "I need to bath. I need to sleep. I need restttttt!"

"Go ahead" he said

"Then you are atill standing here? Don't tell me you are going to stay here in my room?!?"

"Bingo" He said grinning. "Wha- what?!!? Noooooooooo! Go find yourself your own room! You can't stay here"


"Because it's my room! So find yourself your own room. I'm sure you are still loaded despite me robbing your entire treasury"

He chuckled making you frown "I don't want to" you looked at dumbfounded. "How am I supposed to bath if you keep staying here?!!?" He snapped his fingers once. You were wondering what was that for until you realised you were feeling refreshed and now wearing more comfortable cloths.

Not only you he was wearing new clothes too. You look at him with your mouth open. Bro how you wished you had that kind of magic. The only magic you knew were combat related and teleportation. You life would have been so much easier if you knew that kind of magic.

"Now it seems there is no problem with me staying here" you look at him now getting littke angry. "Nooooo! That's not how it works!! I'm a lady! Man and woman shouldn't stay together in one room!!" You were wondering if he really doesn't know those basic things or he is doing it on purpose. You couldn't expect much from this psycho anyway.


Ha! Looks like he really doesn't know. You role your eyes before speaking "Because there are boundaries!"

"Boundaries......" he said wondering about it for a moment

"Yes there boundaries and you shouldn't-" he cut you off mid-sentence. "I don't want them" he said now looking at your eyes. "What?" You asked not understanding what he meant by that.

His purple eyes turning a shade darker as he said "I don't want any boundaries between us" something about the way he said made you scared. He wasn't smirking now. Just staring at your eyes with the same expressionless face. But this time there was something sinister the way his eyes loooked at you. Like....he was a bit pissed off by what you said.

Thinking that you pissed him off you started to step backwards. Now his steps moving towards you as you took your steps back. You feet moving backwards until you hit your bed and fell on the bed. "Agh!" You closed you eyes as your body and head hit the fluffy mattress of your bed.

Before you could open your eyes you find Leon over you pinning both of your hands stopping you from getting up. You moved your head to your sides to find both of your hands being pinned down. You now move your head to face leon.

He was looking at you. His purple eyes staring at you. There was something dark in those eyes that you couldn't tell. After what felt like a decade you decided to say something

"Leon?" You said unsure of why you said his name but maybe to bring him back from whatever has been going on in his mind ever since you mentioned boundaries.

His eyes still staring at you intently. "how do you know my name?" You face turned pale upon realising that he has never told you his name. Everyone in the town know him as a monster. You know his name cause you've read the manhwa but you can't tell him that. Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!! You are f**ked up!! What will you do now?

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