Chapter 21 : Almost Escaped Damn You Leon!

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"I was thinking did you make food with your mana" Leon looks at you raising his eyebrow at your curiosity. He was not expecting that.

"You just have to visualize in your mind what you want to make and give it a form using your mana" Leon explains

"Ah...I see....but what about the taste and texture of the food?" You ask Leon about the details.

"Huh?" You stare at him expecting an answer but then you realize you are inside a manhwa. You don't need to go into detail about every step. "Ah...Nevermind"

Surprisingly Leon didn't dwell further on the matter.

After eating you both went to sleep. Of course, he had to hold you so close that you couldn't breathe.

'I should find a way to escape tomorrow. This can't be going on forever.' You slowly drift to sleep as Leon casts a sleeping spell on you and fell asleep himself while embracing you tightly.

The next morning you find Leon gone as usual. Well, you can't even call it the morning it's afternoon.  How do I get out of this transparent cage? You let out a frustrated sigh. You can't do anything inside.

You get out of bed and walked closer to the transparent walls. You touch the walls as think... I can't teleport from inside or use magic... Only if I could get out of this walls. I can't even summon Denim inside "sigh" would it be possible......summone him outside the walls? You were not sure but there's hatm in trying right?

You called the system "Denim" there was no response. But after a few moments the system appeared. "It worked!! Denim!!"

"Hello Y/N"

"I can't believe it worked!! Do you know a way to get out of here?"

"There is but it'll require your blood"

"It's fine. A long as it'll get me out of here."

"Okay listen to me carefully. You have to draw a mana circle from your blood  in order to summon me inside the magic tower and recite a spell"

"Okay.... But where do I draw the mana circle?" You didn't have any paper or anything to use to draw the mana circle except..... Your clothes? Without wasting any time you tore a part of your night gown you were wearing. You bit your finger and started draw g the mana circle. "I'm done"

"Okay now listen and recite the spell carefully. ahfisnakiwAHsjsajjakahs"

"Pppfttt hahahahaha. What kind of alien language is this lmao?"


"Okay okay I'm sorry. ahfisnakiwAHsjsajjakahs"

Now Denim was inside. "Omg it really worked."

"It's not the time celebrate. If I stay Inside for too long he might find out about me. We should hurry up and  teleport somewhere outside."

"You can use teleportation inside"

"You underestimate me Y/n"

"Okay okay. Hurry me get me out of here." Denim chanted some kind of spell in alien language and a light formed blinding you when......

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