Chapter 3 : You are the final boss?!?!

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You are finally at your destination. "So this is where the final boss is. It's a castle. A huge castle. Then the final boss must be the Emperor I guess......" you opened the huge gate in front of you. "Strange.....there are no one....not a single soul...."

You wandered everywhere around the castle but found no one. You thought of going to where the throne is thinking the final boss might show up there. After going there you found out that it was empty. If the final boss is not even here then where? "Maybe at the royal treasury.....?"

After searching here and there you finally found the royal treasury. You opened the huge door getting ready to face the final boss but instead you were shocked by the sight of gold in front of you. Of course you expected it to be full of gold It's a royal treasury afer all but it was bigger than you thought. Gold gold gold everywhere!

Then you came back to your senses. It was not the time to be blinded by gold. You have to defeat the boss then you can take all of these hehe! "Maybe there's a huge dragon in here to guard the treasury?" But there was no one. Maybe sleeping under the pile of thought.

You were starting to get frustrated. How come you couldn't find a single soul here? Where in the world is the final boss?!?! Finally loosing patience you call the system. "Hey Denim where's the final boss?" The system didn't respond. Weird..... "Denim?"


"What the f**k?!?" The boss is nowhere to be found and now the stupid system isn't responding either. You've had enough. You took out your blackhole bag that can carry unlimited items and started collecting gold. It's looks like it'll take forever to collect this huge pile of gold but it didnt matter. You are going to get all these inside your bag no matter what. You came this far and won't be returning empty handed that's for sure.

You laugh like a villain by the thought of getting even more rich unaware of the eyes that have been watching you ever since you entered his territory. He found you quite daring and amusing. No one comes here because they fear him so much. But you a came alone. And even stealing from his treasury.

He watched you until you got all the gold in your bag. "Such a greedy kitten" he chuckled. You turned around thinking you heard someone's voice. But there was no one. Now you feel someone watching you. There was definitely something off about this place. You took all the gold and were ready to return to your home. You wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. This place was starting to creep you out now.

Just as you turned around you found a man standing just a few feet away from you with a devilish grin in his face. You were shocked terrified feeling lots of mixed emotions at the sight in front of you. Could it be that he is the final boss? The psycho protagonist you wanted to avoid at all cost. And you were stealing from his treasury.....?

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