Chapter 2 : Levelling up

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You woke up at the inn ready to start a new day. The inn you were staying at was pretty cheap. You eat your breakfast and head off to complete new quests given by the system to earn more rewards and level up quickly.

~~~Time skip to lvl 35~~~

You are at level 35 now. "I'm leveling up really fast. Hmm..... let's see. I have 899,999,999 coins. Epic potion x60. And other Blah blah blah." Now that you are rich you thought of buying yourself a house. "I don't want to stay at the inn any longer. Having my own house sounds nice. Buying a land near a beach sounds good too. That's settled then! My house will near a beach. It'll be luxurious mansion with a huge beautiful garden. Hehe it feels so good to be rich. I was so poor in my previous life."

It's been 2 weeks since you've been in this world and things are going pretty smoothly. No, it wasn't even smooth. It was so easy! Like realy realy easy. "Whatever. I'm rich that's all it matters"

You bought a land near the beach and house. "The construction will take 4 hours. I should complete some quests while my mansion and everything is getting ready."

~~~Time skip to lvl 66~~~

While you were completing your quest you found a secret stash. "OMG!! OMG!! A jackpot!! Luck has been on my side ever since I entered this world." You opened the chest .

"You got 900,000, XP"
"You got 999,999,999 coins"
"You got Blah blah blah"

"Congratulations Y/n! You've leveled up to lvl 80!"
"You got 500,000 coins"
"You got epic teleportation scroll x100
"You got blah blah x262"

You couldn't be anymore happier. All of this was happening so fast. At lvl 2 you thought you've got a long way to go but now it only feels like yeaterday. You are lvl 80 now!! Can you believe it?!?! "I can't wait to get to the max lvl. I wonder what it feels like? Hehe"

~~~Time skip to lvl 99~~~

You've been completing quests after quests but you just can't seem to lvl up anymore. You are stuck at lvl 99. It's been bothering you for a while. No matter how much XP you got from completing quests you can't seem to lvl up. "Hey Denim. Why can't I lvl up anymore?"

"In order to lvl up to the max lvl. You are required to defeat the final boss. Only after that you'll be able to lvl up to max.

"I see..." You set the destination in your map but before that you have prepare yourself. "Let's see...spells, attacks, defence potions.... everything is ready! Final boss hear I come!!!"



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