Chapter 18 : Transparent Cage

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"What.....?" After hearing what he just said your complexion turned pale.

He came towards you and placed his hands on your cheeks. He started stroking your cheeks while looking at you intently. "You are quite a feisty kitten that's why I have to put you in a cage so that you can never escape."

You broke eye contact with him and looked at the ground. You were doomed. How can you be so stupid as to step right into your so-called cage? You raised your head and looked at him again. Before you could say anything Leon snapped his fingers and you both were now standing inside a round-shaped room.

You looked around to see your surroundings. The walls were transparent. There was nothing inside the room, not even a door except a bed and purple-coloured curtains for the transparent walls. How were you supposed to get out of here? You looked back at him for an explanation.

He said smiling "This is your cage my kitten. This room is specially made for you so that you cannot use any type of magic, especially that magic which you use to contact a certain person called Denim"

You turned pale when you heard him say Denim's name. How did he know?

"How did I know? Well, you couldn't have managed to escape me alone. There must be someone helping you. So tell me. Who is this Denim?"

Wait- So he doesn't know Denim is a system right? He probably thinks it's a thought. You didn't say anything and just looked at him.

"Looks like I'm not getting any answers from you. It's okay. Whoever he is I'm going to find him soon and crush his skull and feed him to the dogs."

What he just said sent shivers down your spine. He was finally showing his sadistic side.

"For now you should just rest. I have to find whoever this Denim is. And one more thing, don't try using teleportation magic or use any means to escape cause it'll all be useless anyway. Without my permission, no one can go in and out of this room. And even if you did manage to get out of this room you won't be able to get out of this magic tower. Remember you are literally on clouds "

Leon's words just shattered the tiniest bit of hope you had. Looks like I'm trapped in his cage forever. No!!! You mentally slap yourself. I must not lose hope. There must be a way.

"I'll be back soon my kitten" After looking at you with his heart content he vanished into thin air.

You sigh a relief after he was gone. You inspect the room closely. You find out you were on the top floor of the magic tower. The walls were transparent and made of glass and you could enjoy the full 360° view.

You remember it was written in the manhwa the magic tower master used this room to keep an eye on the world from here. He was really strong but in the end, he was defeated.


Hey guys!! So the idea of writing about a  transparent room with a 360° view and lots of other things from Chapter 17 and 18 is from a manhwa.
The name of the manhwa is "Failed to abandon the villain"
It's a great manhwa with psycho-possessive ML or you can read the novel for detailed story. If you enjoy yandere MLs you'll definitely like it.

Also, I used Grammarly for this chapter LMAO. I know my grammar sucks 😭 So I used it to save your brains from using autocorrect while reading. 😭

Running from the psycho Protagonist Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt