"That was his unspoken claim, yes."

"But why? He can barely look at me."

"Can barely keep his eyes off you, you mean." He mumbled but I heard it.

"Even if he looks at me, he looks at me in disgust. Like I'm a fleck of dirt on his pristine shoe. So, why?"

"I wish I could tell you, but I don't know, Ava."

I groaned in frustration. I leaned against the wall and let my head fall against it, looking up at the ceiling. "I don't want to talk about this anymore." I huffed. "I don't want to think about this anymore." I tilted my head to the side. Wymond leaned against the wall next to me. His green concerned eyes were fixed on me.

"I'm sorry."

"Wow, an ''I'm sorry' from a prince. You really must be sorry then."

He cupped my cheek. "Just remember, Ava. You do have a choice."

"What if my choice right now is to kiss you and forget about everything for a while."

"Then I can't deny you, can I?" He whispered before he closed the gap.

Ever since Oren, Wymond didn't take me to the village again. We kept on practising with swords, daggers and combat. I even tried the bow and arrow a couple of times but mostly stuck with what I knew. It was only a few days until I needed to go to the next prince. Wrath and I haven't kissed since the night he blurted out that Pride claimed me. I didn't know if it was because he was afraid that Pride would find out or what. But the sexual tension between us had receded to a sizzling flame.

Right now, I was getting ready to go to one of Gluttony's more outlandish parties. Wymond had been wining for days about it. I told him to go, but he didn't want to go alone. He even put on his puppy dog eyes. And with green eyes like his, it was hard to say no.

I zipped up my little black dress. One I brought from home. It had lace sleeves, the lace stretched out over my back and shoulders. Leaving my chest bare. It reached just above my knees. With silver heels with a band across my ankles. When I opened the door, I wasn't surprised to see Wrath leaning against the wall eating an apple. He liked to wait for me just outside. I always wondered how long he stood there waiting. He eyed me up and down slowly, the spark and energy we had in the first weeks ignited in him for a moment.

I grinned as I saw he wore the jeans I got him. With a white V-neck shirt that accentuated his muscles. Oh, Pride is going to hate it. I grinned inwardly.

"Well, how mortal do we look." He grinned as he pushed himself off the wall. It made me think about the conversation I had with Sloth. "Do you think Sloth and Gluttony will wear them?"

"Oh, I know they will." I mimicked his expression as I looped my arm through it. "I told Pan and Leon they couldn't step outside their rooms if they didn't wear the clothes, I got them."

"Bossy, bossy." He chuckled as I opened a portal. I heard the music float through it even before we took a step forward. The portal brought us right up the large open double doors. The room was full, and I saw people eye our clothes in surprise. Griffin didn't hold back that was for sure because I saw people already half naked, licking and kissing each other without shame. I saw bottles of wine and champagne being drunk in one go. I saw -

I was suddenly scooped up in strong arms. I saw his brown hair dance over his shoulders. "Hi, Leon." I laughed.

He put me down gently. "Making a grand entrance and with a fashion statement. Boldly." I saw he was wearing mortal clothes too.

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