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As the first assistant of Wanzhu Group, Lin Hui's day starts with signing.

The headquarters of Wanzhu Group is located in the west of Jinghua City, next to Wenfeng Road, which is a main road running through the whole city from east to west. He drove out at 8 in the morning, turned right from the community, and drove into Wenfeng East Road. The ordinary black car was like a drop of water, silently merging into the crowd of busy traffic, racing against time to rush to their respective destinations. .

At 8:45, Lin Hui arrived at the office on the 12th floor of the company. In fact, there is only one office on the entire 12th floor except the conference room - he shares it with the general manager He Jianshan. Seeing him open the door, the cleaning agent on the side greeted him quickly, "Assistant Lin, morning."

Lin Hui smiled and nodded: "Morning."

The cleaner walked into the office, wiped the table and asked, "Assistant Lin, do you want to clean the big boss today?"

Lin Hui and He Jianshan's office is a large suite with one door in and out. He is in the outer room and He Jianshan is in the inner room. There are a lot of documents in the office, and He Jianshan often puts them in random places. Sometimes, he can lay down a drawing when he sees it, and the cleaning does not dare to move around, so he usually waits for Lin Hui to arrange it before entering. Lin Hui had already sat in his seat by now. He glanced at his watch: 9 o'clock sharp. As usual, Annie, the general manager's office, will come over 30 minutes later to check the work arrangement for the two days, and take away the signed and returned documents by the way. Lin Hui squeezed the paper in his hand, made the first payment of the day on the top reimbursement approval, shook his head and said, "No need for now." Baojie nodded and continued to work hard. After a while, she finished her work and left. , the office is freed from the hum of the vacuum cleaner and quiet again.

At 9:35, the sound of high heels gradually came from the corridor, from far to near, and finally stopped at the door. When the knock on the door rang, Lin Hui just signed the last word, he raised his voice and responded, "Please come in."

Annie walked in with a stack of materials in her left hand and a paper bag in her right. As soon as she saw Lin Hui, she smiled and said, "Lin Zhuzao, the sea salt caramel latte you want and sandwiches."

"Thanks." Lin Hui took the paper bag, picked up a stack of neatly stacked bills and handed them to Annie, "It's all signed, please see if there are any omissions."

"Don't look, it's definitely fine." Annie said quietly, glanced at the closed door on the right, and said in a low voice, "Mr. He hasn't arrived today?"

Lin Hui rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, got up and opened the door of He Jianshan's office: the office was empty, the documents were piled up on the desk, and the folders were one by one; The set of water cups originally placed on the coffee table was moved to the ground and replaced with a fully expanded design drawing, and even the sofa was covered with heavy reference books.

Lin Hui picked up the drawings and folded them and placed them in the corner of the desk, then walked to the desk and neatly packed them up. He said while arranging: "Mr. He worked an extra night last night, and the 10 o'clock work will be postponed to 2 o'clock in the afternoon."

Annie had a headache: "The banker will come at 2:30."

"It doesn't matter, I'll chat with them first. Inform each department to compress the content of the meeting, focus on the key points, and end it before 3 o'clock."

"Okay, Assistant Lin."

Lin Hui quickly divided the documents neatly into two piles, and added: "You asked the cleaning staff to clean the lounge inside at noon, and the windows were opened for ventilation. Use it, he's picky, otherwise he wouldn't have driven back so late."

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