Playing by the Beast's rules

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The rest of the walk to Fairy cottage was silent and awkward, the most noise being hushed whispers exchanged between the two groups.

But even those quieted down once they reached the small, whimsical cottage. While the rest creeped closer, trying to stay low and hidden in the shadows for the ambush, Lilith tensed up at the feeling of someone's hot breath on her, glancing behind only to see nothing. "The hell...?" She muttered quietly to herself, which immediately made Ginny stop to ask her sister what's wrong.

"I thought I-" Lilith started but shook her head, writing it off as nothing important. Yet Ginny was insistant-

"You've been acting weird the entire time. Jay mentioned you saw blood that wasn't there with the knights as well," Ginny said softly, a concerned expression on her face. "So tell me... What did you just sense?"

Opening her mouth to reply, the two sisters quickly turned to face the cottage, hearing the excited shouts of Chad Charming running by, followed by an angry Mal storming out.

"She's not here!" The Dark fairy turned to Uma, eyes flickering a bright green. "Did you lie to us?!"

"I didn't," Uma scoffed, eye twitching at the accusation. "According to her diary this is where she should be!"

Mal clearly wasn't buying it, but Ben stepped in before things could get physical. "Okay, let's not throw accusations around like that. Uma has no reason to lie about it so... Let's just assume Audrey knew we were coming, okay?"

"Fine," The king's ex huffed, brushing some hair out of her face as Evie tried to calm her friend down.

Ginny in the meantime took that as an initiation to take her older sister apart, wanting to resume their previous conversation before they got interupted. Following after her little sister, Lilith whistled to gesture to Uma and Harry that she'd be right back, which got acknowledged with a nod from the first mate, since Uma was a bit occupied trying not to rip Mal into pieces.


At the sight of Ginny's demanding stare, Lilith sighed softly. "I think... It might have to do with our grandmother."

Thinking over Lilith's words, a thoughtful expression crossed the face of the younger sibling. "You mean... Mother's mother? What about her?"

Licking her lips subconciously, Lilith adverted her eyes. She knew very well that this wasn't the time nor place to talk about this but- "Mother said our grandmother was a powerful witch. One that commanded the dead. I think.... that maybe I inherited more of grandmother's power."

"But how?" Ginny asked, frowning at the thought. "Mother's magic is dormant, right? She can't do much without magical artifacts or the help of someone more powerful."

A simple shrug was the only reply Lilith managed to give before Mal stormed over to them, despite her friends calling the angry Dark fairy back.

Tensing up, Lilith moved on pure instinct, grabbing Ginny's wrist and pulling her behind her, puffing her chest out as she glared at her half sister. "What?"

"Give me the Ember. Now." Mal huffed, glaring daggers at the Gothel girl. "It's mine, I'm the oldest child of Hades."

Her words made Mal's friends pause, Evie being the only exception. "Wait.... You're Hades' kid? Why did you never tell us?" Carlos asked, looking rather hurt at the thought of Mal never mentioning something like that to him and Jay.

"Cause that absent excuse for a father doesn't deserve to have people know." Mal replied, turning to face her friends, her expression softening as she approached Jay and Carlos. "I'll tell you the whole story once we've dealt with Audrey and send those pirates back to the Isle."

Rotten Flower: A Disney Descendants StoryWhere stories live. Discover now