Special chapter: Auradon

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Ginny scoffed at Auradon's glitz and glammer at first, but the longer she was there, the more she came to appreciate the place. In fact, she fell in love with it. The food, the clothing, the people, even the classes-Tho Remedial Goodness was still her worst subject. Atleast she aced it thanks to the coronation.

The dark haired girl frowned to herself as she walked trough the streets of Auradon city. She knew she'd have to come clean soon. But in her defense, she didn't know they asked for Gothel's oldest child!

Did Lilith lie to her to force her into doing the dirty work? It did sound like something her manipulative sister would do.

Ginny let out a soft sigh, opening the door to the mad hatter's tea shop. "Sorry I'm late, Hatter." She called out as she walked past the seating area and straight into the employee's room.

The mad hatter merely glanced at her, shaking his head. "You're not late!"

The girl glanced at the clock, which clearly stated she was five minutes late for her shift. "You're the boss," She shrugged slightly, grabbing an apron.

If you told her a few months ago her favourite best time would be setting tea and making pastries in the Mad Hatter's tea shop/bakery, she would have thrown them of the tower.

Yet here she was, humming to herself as she waited for the water to boil and pulled some pastries out of the oven. It finally felt like she had something her own, no longer being in someone's shadow, wether it'd be her mother's or her sister's.

She had friends, a great roommate who was her best friend and a part time job she loved.

It took her a long time to realise, but she loved helping people. Loved seeing the way their face lights up when they find her food delicious. Loves the way someone tightly holds a cup she prepared, smiling at the foam art.

And all of that would be over if they got the wand to Maleficent, Ginny couldn't let that happen. Not when their lives were finally getting so good.

She glanced up when she heard the familair chime of the door opening, smiling at whoever entered. "Welcome to the Mad Hatter's tea and pastries! What can I help you with?" She grinned, excited for the day ahead of her.


Sorry this chapter is so short, I wanted to give a small glimpse into Ginny's life in Auradon without of course, giving too much away~

Rotten Flower: A Disney Descendants Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن