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"So now what?" Gil muttered, the three pirates still standing in the same spot, staring in Auradon where their captain would take over and return for them.

"Now, we get things ready for her return," Harry smirked, trying to hide his nerves. If anyone could pull this off, it would be Uma.

Lilith nodded slightly in agreement, still staring at the spot where Uma went underwater. She couldn't help but think back to the time she watched the limo leave the Isle, all those months ago. But Uma would return. There's no way she wouldn't.

But then again... Why would she? A darker part of her mind hissed. But as she felt Gil wrap an arm around her shoulder, she promptly shoved that voice to the back of her mind.

Shaking her head, she turned to the boys. "So, guess you're acting captain for now Hook. So what?"

Harry hummed in slight amusement at being called captain, considering how he and Uma used to fight over the position at first. "We get the rowboats ready. The Lost Revenge itself may not be able to sail, but the rowboats work just fine. For the rest we just need to keep an eye on that royal thing."

"Cotillion," Lilith and Gil corrected at the same time while Harry shrugged it off.

"So, onto the chip shoppe!" Harry smirked. "Let's get some food and move that tiny tv to a table so we can all watch and cheer her on together."

The three of them shared a grin before they started running towards Ursula's shop.

Everything was ready and in place. They simply needed to watch the cotillion and wait for Uma to bring the barrier down.

The petite tv was on the middle of one of the round tables, the pirates all huddled around it.

As Mal walked down the staircase, the camera focused on her, the pirates couldn't resist throwing food at it, just like they had done yesterday.

It didn't take long for Ben to follow after, who quickly approached Mal with an apologetic expression, to the pirates' delight.

"Mal, I wish I had time to explain," Ben sighed softly, right before Uma appeared at the top of the stairs. She looked absolutely stunning tho that was not the reason the entire crowd had went silent.

Much like how her friends had cheered for Mal, the crew in the chip shoppe cheered as loud and obnoxiously as possible at the sight of their captain.

Ben approached Uma with a smile, escorting her down the stairs before kissing the back of her hand.

Turning to Mal, Ben once again looked at her with pity. "Sorry, it all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma," The king said, turning to look at the captain with a look of adoration. "A connection."

Mal let out a noise of pure disbelief. "What... what are you saying?"

"Oh, look at how broken she looks," Lilith couldn't help but laugh. Karma was a bitch and it finally came for the dark fairy in the form of a love spell.

"I'm saying-" Ben started before getting cut off by an excited Uma.

"It was love. It was..." She trailed of happily, smiling at Ben. "I realized how alike Ben and I are, you know?"

"We are," Ben smiled, which Uma returned, looking genuinely happy to be there with him.

Mal had to repeat the boy's name mutiple times before he finally looked at her. "Did... Did you go back for her?"

Uma glanced at Ben before turning to the dark fairy. "He didn't have to. I dove trough the barrier before it closed and i'm an excellent swimmer... so," She explained, shrugging slightly.

Rotten Flower: A Disney Descendants Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن