Vk Day

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Lilith looked up from her book, glaring at whoever it was that bothered her. Slamming the book Hades had lent her shut, she carefully put it away under her bed before looking at Gonzo. "What?"

"They're here. It's their supposed vk day," The pirate boy said, a smirk on his face as Lilith immediately put on her shoes. "So we're gonna ruin it?"

"Oh no, why ruin it?" Lilith asked, an innocent smile on her face as she tipped her hat back. "Let's give them a warm welcome, shall we?"

"I can't believe we're finally gonna choose a new batch of vk's," Evie smiled happily, excited at the thought of bringing new vk's over to Auradon. Especially considering Dizzy was going to be one of them. The blue haired princess looked at her friends, who all seemed equally excited. Everyone except Ginny, who seemed to want nothing rather than to avoid this visit.

Carlos wrapped one of his arms around Ginny's shoulders, who smiled slightly and leaned into the gesture. "Is this about Lilith?"

"Obviously, but it doesn't matter. She won't be a problem," Mal said, looking out the window. "More importantly, you sure you don't wanna change your outfit? Doubt they'll accept you if you're not wearing leather."

Ginny shook her head. "I might have been born on the Isle, but Auradon feels more like my home. It'd feel wrong to dress like a vk for just one day."

"Suit yourself," Mal shrugged slightly. "Who do you think is gonna get picked? It's been a while since we sent the applications."

Jay huffed, not trying to hide his amusement. "Dizzy for sure. Maybe some of the anti hero club kids would be nice."

"But we can't just take the easy kids," Carlos muttered, always keeping the underdog in mind.

"It'll be fine, you'll see," Mal told them right as Jay parked the limo. The five of them got out, ready to make their big announcement and entrance, but the Isle seemed less welcoming than they expected.

In fact, they quickly learned that the Isle was divided into three different camps. Those who welcomes them with open arms and loud cheers, those who glared and cursed at them, considering them traitors, and those who seemed unclear on how to feel about the five vk's from Auradon.

"Who wants to go? You?" Mal asked, pointing randomly at the part of the crowd that seemed happy about their arrival, waving their applications to go to Auradon sky high.

Ginny and Evie were standing with Mal, on the balcony while Carlos and Jay stood on the stairs leading towards it, collecting all applications and trying to sort out the fake ones. Jay couldn't help but snicker at the application of Ben Dover, finding that one funnier than the countless 'yo mama's' that applied.

The youngest daughter of Gothel smiled as she looked at the crowd, her nerves calming down. There was no sign of her vengeful older sister. A part of her had hoped Lilith would change her mind and apply as well, but from what she heard from the Anti heroes club, the master manipulator still ran with the pirates.

As Evie, Carlos and Jay announced the kids they chose, Ginny straightened her back slightly. "As Jay said, there's no way you can split up siblings, so Sammy Smee, please come join us as well," She smiled softly as Mister Smee seemed utterly delighted that all his childeren got a shot at a better life.

A loud, slow clap from somewhere in the crowd made everyone quiet down while Ginny felt every muscle in her body tense up.

"Aww, how sweet, not leaving kids behind. Too bad it took you, what, two to three years to get to that?" Lilith smirked as the crowd practically parted for her, giving her a clear shot to the Core Five. "By all means, announce the last victim of Auradon's newest pet project, we're all curious." She said, her voice void of any emotion while her face held a sickeningly sweet smile.

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