A first for everything

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"Hey, Jonas! Have you seen Gil anywhere?"

"Not since noon why-What's with the get up?" The pirate raised an eyebrow while Lilith crossed her arms over her chest, feeling slightly self conscious at her clothing choice.

To be entirely honest, the reason she had dressed up wasn't completely known to her. Sure, she needed to change her clothing after spending the entire afternoon in the catacombs but she sure dressed fancy. Cute, one might almost say. Was it because Gil told her to get to the Isle of the Doomed? And cause Uma and Harry would be there- Or well, Uma as close as she could be. The thought of that being the reason made her cheeks flare up.

"I don't see how's that relevant," She said. "When's the last time you saw him?"

Jonas took a second to think about it, scratching his head. "At noon, he was talking to cook, I think?"

Lilith nodded slightly. That made sense, everyone knew about Gil's appetite. "What about Harry?"

"Oh, he left for the Isle of the Doomed a little bit ago." He shrugged, turning back to sharpening his sword.

"Okay, thanks," She flashed him a smile before walking off the docks. If Harry had only just left, she could catch up with him.

Switching between a jogging pace and out right sprinting, Lilith managed to catch up to Hook's son right when Harry got the rowboat ready to go over the water to the Isle of the Doomed. "Harry! Wait up!"

The boy glanced up at the sound of his name, his face lit up as he saw who it was. "Hey, flower. Did Gil also invite you?"

Catching her breath, Lilith simply nodded as the two worked together to get the rowboat ready. "You think Uma will also be there?"

"As far as she can be, I think," Harry nodded slightly. "What do ya think he needs us for?"

"I'm not sure," Lilith shrugged slightly. It wasn't like Gil to be this secretive, but he did seem excited. Maybe he found something and wanted to share it with them? Or did he just want to spend more time with them? The latter seemed doubtful, considering that they spend every day together.

But as they arrived at the shore, Harry pulled the rowboat on the land while Lilith looked around for Gil. It didn't take long for them to spot the blond boy, who was walking towards them with a grin. "You guys are right on time!" He said with a smile.

"On time for what?" Lilith raised an eyebrow.

Gil said nothing but gestured for them to follow him. Lilith and Harry shared an amused glance at how excited their friend was, seeing no choice but to follow him.

Following him to the edge of the Isle, they noticed the land getting rather close to the dome. In fact, if they jumped in the water, it'd only take a minute or so to reach it.

Uma's face lit up as she noticed her three companions. "This is about as close as I can get, what did you guys want?"

"Ask Gil, not us," Harry shrugged, sitting down on the edge.

To their utter surprise, Gil pulled what appeared to be packed dinner out of his bag.

"What's this about?" Uma asked, raising an eyebrow. "Is this why you told me to bring something to eat for myself?"

"Well, can't exactly give you food thanks to the barrier," Gil sighed, sitting down next to Harry. "But yeah, we should al have something to eat. Pretty sure that's an important part of it," He shrugged slightly.

Lilith tilted her head slightly, taking a bite of the food. "Part of what?"

"Our date, of course!"

"Our what?!" Lilith shrieked, feeling the heat rush to her face.

Rotten Flower: A Disney Descendants StoryWhere stories live. Discover now