Moving out

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"What the hell do you mean?" Lilith stared at the suitcases with wide eyes. She had only just returned from today's classes, only to come home to an empty bedroom and her mother staring at her with an unreadable expression on her face.

"You're barely here anyway," Gothel shrugged simply, looking at her nails. "So I packed your stuff for you."

"Mother, I'm only seventeen. Where in Lucifer's name am I supposed to go?!" Lilith asked, not exactly loving the thought of being homeless for obvious reasons.

But Gothel simply shrugged. "Wherever you hang out nowadays. You've stopped doing things for me, so you're useless now. I have no use for you anymore. It's sad, but it's time for you to leave the nest."

Tearing her eyes away from the suitcase, she looked at her mother's face which was void of any emotion. "So this is it? You're just gonna kick me out?"

"Don't cause a scene now, Lilith, I taught you better than that." Gothel sighed, turning her back to her daughter as she walke to the living room.

"But-" Lilith started, following after her mother. "But that can't be the only reason! I mean, I could just stay here, I wouldn't bother you. So why kick me out?"

"Cause someone more useful is moving in, obviously," Gothel rolled her eyes before a smirk appeared on her face. "I actually believe they used to work for you? Well, until I finally found the spot where you hide what you were blackmailing them with. Truely, the tar spots on the wall gave it away."

"You-Why?!" Lilith hissed, clenching her fists as she tried not to lose her temper. She was always great at masking her anger, how come she couldn't when it came to her own mother?

"Before you could threaten them, of course! Can't have you chase away my new minions." Gothel hummed, stating it as if it were obvious.

Narrowing her eyes, Lilith felt her throat tighten but refused to show any of her emotions. Instead, she tried her best to copy her mother's look of complete apathy. Grabbing the suitcase and her pillow, Lilith glanced at her mother over her shoulder before leaving the tower, her cat following her faithfully.

"Come on, buddy. I know a place where we might be able to go," Lilith muttered, making her way to the lost Revenge.

It didn't take long for the crew to understand what happened when she showed up with all her stuff. Without a single word, Gil had wrapped his arms around Lilith before taking her stuff and making room for her below deck.

"Well good fucking riddance to her!" Harry scoffed, throwing a rock into the waters below with all his strength. To absolutely nobody's suprise, the son of Hook had to be stopped from going over to stab the witch.

Lilith chuckled without any humor as she scratched Asmo's chin.

The girl was mainly concerned with her cat adjusting to the boat, but so far the small furball seemed to love the fact that everything smelled like fish. Including Uma's hair, which he almost immediately began to chew on.

"Want us to stab her?" Uma asked, her tone and facial expression barely masking her anger.

But Lilith shook her head. "That'd be a waste of energy. Energy that we should use to explore the catacombs." She said, walking away from the railing of the ship, wanting to look at the maps they stored below but Uma grabbed her wrist before she could walk away.

"Nuhhuh, sorry but we care about you, which means you can't just walk away when things get tough."

Lilith glanced at Uma's hand, still clamped around her wrist, before looking at the girl herself. "Can we just not talk about it right now? We will, later. Alright?"

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