Old friends, new enemies

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Dusting the dirt of their clothing, the crew silently decided to take a break before going back to Ursula's shop. They had spent the most of the afternoon and a big part of the evening looking trough the tunnels for any way out. If Madam Mim managed to escape trough it once, surely there had to be more openings, or atleast that's what they hoped.

But no matter how many times the crew searched the entire tunnel system, there seemed to be simply no way out.

"If only Mim wasn't such a selfish pest," Uma muttered, rubbing her legs, which felt sore from all the walking around. "Then we would have been able to escape months ago."

"Even us villains should have a sense of community," Gil muttered bitterly, trying to get all the cobwebs out of his hair.

"Aye, you can say that again," Harry hummed. "But right now we should head back. Don't you got a double shift today?" He asked, turning to Uma, who groaned at the reminder.

Rising to her feet, the sea witch muttered that she hated when her mother only gave her the afternoon free while the crew started making their way back to the docks.

Leaving their usual path of chaos and destruction behind them, causing mayhem whenever they could, the pirates got back to the shop, most of them threatening customers that were already there to better tip-Or else!

While Harry tossed the apron to his captain, Lilith and Gil were serving some thugs to help lighten their captain's load.

"Say, have I ever told ye how cute you three look in aprons?" Harry grinned, leaning on the table he was sitting at.

"Why don't you put one on, I'd bet you look the best out of all of us," Uma snorted, barely paying her first mate any mind.

Gil, on the other hand, fell for it and gave Harry extra food, even with Uma's protests while Harry laughed loudly. That is, until Lilith put one of the aprons over the boys head. "Gotta say, captain's right. You look the best out of all of us wearing that"

Turning to smirk at the dark haired girl, Harry raised an eyebrow. "Trust me flower, I look my best when I wear nothing at all." He stated with a wink, laughing loudly, even when a red faced Lilith pushed him off his chair.

"Harry!" Uma grinned, the boy landing right before her. "Could you stop flirting with our Second mate?"

"Prefer I'd flirt with you instead?" Was Harry's cheeky reply.

Rolling her eyes playfully, Uma leaned slightly towards him. "I'd prefer you do something useful. Like get the money our crew is owned for not trashing certain places."

Rising to his feet with a grunt, Harry mock saluted as he headed towards the door. "You're the boss," An just like that he was off, most likely thinking of other flirtatious remarks he could make.

Flirting with his three friends were fun for all different reasons. With Uma he always played the game of flirting and rejection, as soon as they hit their pre teens. It was a fun battle of words, one he won quite frequently, to his delight. Tho it was a win win either way, either he'd get a good laugh out of it or he'd stun Uma into silence.

With Gil it was especially funny when his remarks were completely missed by the other boy. He could say the corniest, cheesiest, most obvious sexually intended line, and Gil would not pick it up. The few times he did catch on however, Gil flirted back relentlessly. Not with words like Harry did, oh no, by showing off. Not like the son of Hook minded, the view was great after all. Plus Gil was an excellent cuddler.

And then there was Lilith, who didn't seem to be amused but he noticed the way she suppressed her laughter at times. Or, if the jokes were more risque, her face turning red right before he got shoved or smacked on the back of his head.

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