Waiting in the Wings

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Lilith rolled her eyes, ignoring Harry Hook calling out to her as she tried to get to school.

"Oh come on, Lily flower, have you forgotten the deal we made?" Harry grinned, keeping up with her long strides without any problem.

Coming to a sudden halt, Lilith turned to glare at him. "It's Lilith, Hook."

Harry laughed, shaking his head. "Oh, don't be such a sourpuss. Are you upset your friends left? Or cause you can't serve your little sister anymore?"

Lilith felt her eye twitch, opening her mouth to comment something when someone came to her aid. Sadly, that someone was Gil, the youngest son of Gaston.

"Lilith!" The boy waved obnoxiously at her as he walked towards her and Harry. "Wanna go to the Ursula's fish and chips?"

"I don't go to that side of the Isle," Lilith said coldly, taking the moment to sidestep the blonde boy as she walked past him.

But the next words that Harry uttered made her step falter. "Ah, don't mind her lad, lil' Lily's just lonely."

Mustering her best fake smile, Lilith turned back towards the two boys. "You know what, Gil? Sure, but I need you to do a little something for me first. Keep Hook junior away from me, alright?" She grinned as Gil nodded.

As unpredictable Harry was, when it came to pure brute force, Gil overpowered the son of Hook. And if there's one thing Gil liked, it was impressing girls with his strength. That poisoned apple didn't fall far from the tree.

So Lilith walked away from the conversation with a smile, hearing Harry's protests as Gil did what he was told. After all, following orders was one of his strong suits.

But sadly she didn't count on Gil following her the rest of the day like some lost, little puppy.

He even went so far to ignore his own classes, just following her.

Was this what it's like to have a henchman instead of a friend? Cause if so, count her out on having them. She'd much rather do things alone or with friends, but having someone who's basically a stranger following her around was just annoying.

And yet, even when classes ended, Gil seemed intent on following her, attempting to make small talk. "So when do you wanna go to Ursula's?"

"Not anytime soon," Lilith scoffed, making her way to the tower.

Her eye twitched as she heard the continuous sound of heavy footsteps behind her. The dark haired girl turned on her heel, about to snap at Gil once more for him to stop following her, only to see empty space. 'Huh?' She thought to herself as she looked around. But-Why was she even looking? She wanted him to stop following her and he finally listened.

With a strangely heavy feeling in her gut, Lilith turned back around, continuing her walk to the tower to get started on cleaning her room. Given that she didn't have to share it with Ginny anymore, she figured it'd be the perfect time for some changes.

Day turned to night much quicker than she expected as she got settled onto her mattress as she thought the day over. She gotten so used to sitting next to Evie and Carlos during most classes and passing notes to Jay and Mal and back and forth between their friend group.

If she didn't know better, she'd even say she got glances of pity as she took her usual seat next to two now-empty seats.

For Lucifer's sake, Harriet Hook even attempted to talk to her! Normally that girl avoided her like the plague.

Wether it was supposed to be a nice gesture-which would have been gross either way- or her attempt at making her a friend, it was wrong and Lilith felt like the pirate girl was looking down on her. And she wasn't the only one.

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