💮🎲 - tgcf

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- inspo by fandomcrazed on TikTok -

- also i use confrontation between
hc & fenqing as canon here -

- 633 words -

n o . o n e ' s . p . o . v :

Hua Cheng wasn't about to lose his temper but if his beloved came through that door a moment later, he wouldn't pulled E-Ming out in agitation.

It all started with the two gods, Feng Xin and Mu Qing showing up at Puqi Shrine, asking for the scrap god.

After finding out Xie Lian just left the two decided to wait for him. Mu Qing, however, loyal to his arrogance, kept commenting on a thing or two. Surely, by experiencing a new side of Hua Cheng, thanks to his late leader, he forgot the other was a supreme ghost. Yet, Feng Xin was very much aware of that fact.

"Feng Xin? Mu Qing? Did something happen?" Xie Lian's overly confused energy torn through the space.

The one to spoke up was Feng Xin, his tone of voice similar to the crown prince's pressured polite voice, "It's best we come back another time, your highness. Excuse us."

Xie Lian was left dumbfounded at the door for a mere few seconds before picking up on San Lang's distress.

The eye on E-Ming was swirling wild with rage, his love's knuckles turned white as he tried to contain his outburst. He couldn't lash out at his beloved over those two arrogant idiots. Or, specifically; Mu Qing.

"Is San Lang alright?" He carefully voiced, inching closer to the ghost. "What just happened here..?"

Upon feeling a delicate hand of his sliding onto the king's back did all his tense wash away. "Has Your Highness spoke to those useless servants after Xianle fell? Have you properly talked out the past with them?"

Xie Lian didn't need to recall a thing. The three of them separated after his banishment. They didn't know an awful lot about the prince but that was alright. They didn't spoke anymore so there was no point in bringing it up, ever.

"No, San Lang, we haven't had that talk. But San Lang doesn't have to worry over that mundane matter."

"Well, does Your Highness know anything about the imperial army? Right before the disease began to spread, Your Highness was talking about something."

Xie Lian did his best to try and recall what it was about but years of experiences blurred together in hopes he doesn't have to recount what happened in Xianle again.

"I was kicked out of the army by none other but your lowly servant. Have they told Your Highness about that?" It just burst out of him. In a fit of frustration he blurted out. Xie Lian was taken aback.

He knew Hua Cheng despised both his late attendants for being so careless and leaving him in difficult times but to this extent? They kicked him out of the army because one of them used Xie Lian's authority?

He wondered for a minute more. What else did his attendants managed to change? By using royal authority nonetheless! He imediately knew which one of them could have the morals to do that.

"They came here, after all these years to drag Your Highness back to Heaven. This one got so stirred up, I apologise..." Hua Cheng's head hung low, voice fading into thin air.

There was no point in bringing up old things so Xie Lian tried to let go of it for the past decade he left his heavenly position.

"It's all right. San Lang was trying to defend me and I appreciate that. San Lang always acts with what's best for me in mind." He enveloped the ghost into a tight embrace.

"But San Lang cares so much of the past
he forgets to live in the present and plan the future."

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