⛸🎖 - victuri -

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- angst -

- 648 words -

v i c t o r ' s . p o v :

Being the successful coach I was, after Yuuri won the biggest competition of the year in early December, I voted next to the thought of celebrating the New Year's Eve in Japan, travelling back with the asian boy. I did so, and I was about to end packing my suitcase back at my resort room of the hot springs, when the thin walls let a quiet whimper through from Yuuri's room to mine, which was next to his.

I didn't know what could upset him, because he just won a big tournament, performed more than the so - called perfect, getting his points near to the record I put up a couple years ago. And lastly, I wanted to stay with him, so there really wasn't anything that could upset him in my opinion.

Apart from my perspective, I went over, softly knocking on his door. When no response came from Yuuri, I entered his room, looking for the boy of my life. He was against his wall, behind his bed, knees up to cover his face. I kneeled in front of him, placing my hand on one of his forearms. "Yuuri, what's the matter? Did you forgot something in the hotel? Does something hurts?"

"Nothing..," he somehow whispered to me, entwining our hand as he lifted his head up to look at me. The sorrow expression in his eyes physically hurt me. Something pained him.

"Can I help with anything?"

He hesitated a little. Why did he hesistate? He was so  open for interactions and chit chats. What shook him into this state? I have to help!

Yuuri shook his head, tears flowing from his onyx - like eyes. I treasured him so much it hurt me to see him like that. I reached for him to pull him into my lap slowly, so he could deny it. But he didn't, instead Yuuri clinged to my hand for dear life! The small action compensated the situation and I held him as tight to myself as I possibly could without hurting him in any way.

We just sat on his flooring, in complete silence, only his small sobs could be heard, for who knows how long, until Yuuri spoke up. Well, more like whispered, but I finally figured out the matter for his unusual behaviour.

"You packed up already, right?"

"No, I didn't. I just packed out, actually."

"But you're going to leave, aren't you? By the end of the year..."

"No no, not at all! I'm going to stay in Japan for a couple of months. I want to spend more time with you, Yuuri," I said, whispering back to him, even though there was no reason for me to whisper, too. "And if you want to move in together, either in Japan or Russia, we will. There is no way I'm leaving you now. I just found you, I'm not going to give you up, okay? Let's go and have some katsudon for dinner, alright?" I asked him, earning a nod somewhere around the curve of my neck, but Yuuri didn't make any attempt to begin walking out of his room. "Aren't you hungry?"

"You're comfy." Yuuri announced, clinging into me more - if it was even possible. I let out a small chuckle at the situation, lifting him up, carrying him to the kitchen, setting him down onto a chair, taking my seat next to his.

"Can we get the usual, Mrs. Katsuki?" I asked his mother, who seemed more than happy to help us out with her slightly spicy, but overall very fine cooking skills.

"Of course, Viktor-san!" She said, beginning to do her son's favourite bowl of katsudon.

Watching Yuuri while his mom made the food, was more perfect entertainnent, than doing anything else. The joyous look that was plastered all over my angel's face was everything, but sad.

I was truly happy I could light his mood up.

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