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- angst comf -
- 414 words -

It was heavy to the heart to see Miyano flinch at loud noises or get easily startled by simple things. However, what bothered Sasaki just as much as to find the source of all this was when Miyano flinched at his touches.
Sasaki felt like he forced himself into Miyano's life at that point. He began to wonder whether his lover had found someone else.

Was he the problem?
Does Miyano want to break up but he couldn't say it?
Was he in the way between Miyano and his happiness?

Uncomfortable as it was, Friday rolled around. A Friday they agreed to spend together. Sasaki already felt bad about all that was going on, so half-heartedly he picked Miyano up after his extracurricular.

"Mya-chan, is there something wrong between us?" Sasaki needed to ask. He needed to know.

Miyano halted mid-step, completely caught off guard by what he said, "Is there? What makes you think that, Senpai?"

Sasaki stopped as well, taking a step towards his lover, closing the distance. He wanted to reach for his hand but first he needed to know the cause. He couldn't be selfish.

"You keep flinching at my touches and all. Should I stop? Does it bother you?" he lowered his voice, "I can't see you getting hurt any more."

Miyano reached his hand to his boyfriend's, gaining an extra second to think how to respond properly.

"Um, it's not like that.., "he stopped to think whether it's worth to tell Sasaki-senpai, but then he gave in seeing his upperclassman's hurt gaze boring into his, "You see, I have some trouble sleeping and all... so..." his voice faded out. He was too ashamed to tell Sasaki about his nightmare.

"Is it that bad?" His baritone was sweet and careful.
Miyano felt guilty for hearing it. As if he was fine china and words could shatter him into piece that cannot be assembled again.

"It's fine, life isn't... perfect," Miyano stated, taken aback by his senior hugging him. Sasaki behaved so sweetly around him at times it was almost too good to be true.

"But I want yours to be perfect," Sasaki said quietly, gently but firmly holding him. Miyano broke out of their embrace to face him.

"Nothing can be perfect, if it's not you," He smiled at his boyfriend, taking his hand in his, dragging him to walk to Sasaki's.

"That was so cheesy, Mya-chan!" Sasaki chuckled, keeping up with their pace.

[specifically made for Purple_Pirate23 :) ]

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