🎼🖤 - renga -

319 6 3

- angst -

- words -

n o o n e ' s . p . o . v :

It was late afternoon, only Miya, Reki and Langa forming a group, given that Shadow was on a date and the two others got some business to take care of. The scary kitten was now fourteen years old, writing songs for himself besides skating, it became his new hobby.

"So, you know, I've been up to something over the past weeks..," Miya started a conversation, sounding a little anxious. He was feeling a bit insecure about his song - writing - skills.

"Did you finish it?" Langa asked, his eyes glowing like the whole Moon. Full with excitement.

"I kinda did, but... um, before I send it to you, promise me something," Miya continued, feeling undifferent.

"Yeah, sure," Reki spoke up, giving the younger teenager a little curve, "Anything."

"So, I noticed over the years that, you two have some kind of mutual emotions, so I wrote about you guys. All I'm asking is, that promise me, you won't beat me up. Both of you!" He looked at both of their gazes, waiting for some kind of response. Both the literal representatives of blue and red nodded impatiently. "O-okay, I'll send it right now."

And that was it. Both of them got the lyrics.

And when I was younger
I knew a boy and a boy
Best friends with each other
But always wished they were more
'Cause they loved one another
But never discovered
'Cause they were too afraid
of what they'd say (...)

That was it. Eight sentences, about them, about their feelings, relationship, the time they'd spent together, and Miya captured their doubts perfectly.

Neither of them could confess their true feelings to one another and the young kitty found just the perfect timing, to prevent the two of them splitting up after graduating from high school.

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