15. Building

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A.N. Gonna get smutty toward the end of this chapter and for the entirety of chapter 16. Chapter 16 can mostly be skipped for those not interested but it may have something plot relevant right at the end of it so be sure to check in once it's uploaded.

The three made good progress by the time night fell. They had opened up a huge space for farms and their cows, and Doc went out to bring the cows inside. They were all coated in snow when they returned.

"Blizzard starting up again," Doc reported as he led the cows to the farm room.

"Poor things are already shivering," Jimmy said, petting one of the cows.

They had already fenced in an area, which Doc took the cows into. The stone floor here had been replaced with dirt to make it a little more comfortable to walk on, and though they weren't very optimistic about being able to get a grass block, they would look out for the opportunity anyway. It would be nice to have a field of grass in here. Doc closed the gate and then offered the cows wheat so they would breed.

"We'll be getting nice, warm leather armor in no time," Doc said, returning to the others. "Now, about our sugarcane. There isn't much on the server. So I think it will be safer to grow it in a hidden room. Unless we're willing to defend it constantly."

"Hm." Grian thought about it, then said, "Yeah, hidden room. And we should probably keep pieces in our inventories just in case someone steals the planted stuff."

Doc nodded. "Right. I can make a little automated farm too, nothing too complicated and of course I won't run it with anyone around to hear, but it'll make collection much easier. I could run it during the blizzards, no one's going to come around then."

Grian agreed. They worked for a while longer, replanting their wheat inside the new room and thus clearing up space in their main room. They put down a couple more furnaces and Doc mused about possibly building furniture.

"I know it's luxurious," he said. "But we might as well be comfortable while we're here. I could probably make us a couch? We have plenty of wool."

"Yeah, might as well," Grian said. He could hear the howling of the wind outside, the snow occasionally battering against the door. Being able to rest on a couch after a hard day sounded great.

Doc went to the crafting table and got to work, and Grian started smelting some of their cobblestone back into smooth stone, intending to make stone bricks for the walls. As he was standing in front of a furnace, enjoying its heat, Jimmy came over to stand with him, taking his hand.

"Two days in, we're all still green," Jimmy said, watching the furnace. "I wonder how tomorrow will go."

"Dunno," Grian said. He rested one of his large wings around his omega, hearing him chirp softly when he drew him in. His chest grew fuzzy. "I think we should try to get leather armor for all of us though. Keep breeding those cows, or go to the Nether. And we can just survive. Try to enjoy ourselves while we're here."

Jimmy nodded. He rested his head on Grian's shoulder. "Yeah, we should have fun before all the drama and bloodshed. You wanna maybe go flying in the morning? I know it'll be cold, but we'll probably warm up pretty fast."

Grian's heart felt light just thinking about flying. He smiled over at the other, squeezing his hand, and then saw Doc look over at them. Grian teased, "Oh, I don't know, our beta won't be able to fly with us, he'll feel left out."

Doc snorted. "Let me guess, no End access here, right? So I can't get an elytra?"

"There hasn't been a stronghold in any of these servers," Jimmy said.

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