29. Conflict

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It was nice, being carried by Doc. Grian finished his burger and rested a little more heavily against Doc's chest, peeping softly to express his content.

Doc answered with a grumble that was just as soft. But then, once they were further away from the party and out of earshot of everyone there, Doc let out a low growl.

"What horrid behavior," he said.

"What?" Grian looked at him curiously and was surprised to see how angry he looked. His ear tufts laid back and he felt guilty. "From me? I'm sorry..."

"No, not from you. From BigB. Treating you like that."

Grian blinked, and tilted his head. "Well... I didn't think he would attack me like that, but I did provoke him. I don't know what came over me. I'm just glad he didn't kill me."

"The fight isn't the part I'm mad about," Doc said. "You brawled, he won, that was that. It was what he did later. He didn't fuck you out of any true desire for you. He just wanted to humiliate you. Wanted to further establish his dominance. Hmph." Doc snorted. "That's why Scar left. He couldn't stand to see you being treated like that."

"Oh. It wasn't that bad," Grian said, blushing as he reflected on it. His thighs squeezed together briefly; he still ached. "He felt good. It was rough, but he still prepared me, made sure I got off too..."

"I was alright with that too, I thought it was a healthy enough way for you both to release leftover tension from the fight. No, my problem is with what happened after that. He finishes with you, and then barely helps you into your clothes before leaving you on the ground. He didn't ask if you were okay. Didn't offer you water, or help you up. Just left you, while gloating about what he did. Making me pick up his slack."

Doc leaned down to nuzzle noses with Grian, the affection clear in the gesture, making Grian smile.

"Of course I love taking care of you," Doc continued. "And I love providing aftercare. You needed it, I could tell as soon as he was done that you were dazed, dropping. He should have looked after you himself. But he didn't. He used you, made his point about being a 'superior alpha', and left you. Told me to help you instead. It disgusted me. You didn't see, but I was giving him the meanest look when I came to help you. He didn't like it. I don't think we'll have a good standing with them anymore."

"So be it," Grian sighed. Now that Doc brought it up, he was a little hurt by the way BigB had just discarded him after he got what he wanted. Obviously Grian wasn't expecting hugs and kisses from the man, but at the very least, he should have checked in on him, seen if he needed anything, helped him off the ground. What he did instead was rude. Neglectful.

For all that he could be rough, Scar was never like that. He was an intense lover, yanking pleasure and pain from Grian's body, overwhelming him... but when it was over, Scar would cuddle him close, praise him for how well he did, and ask after his needs. He would provide food, water, whatever Grian needed to help himself settle down. And that was what Grian now experienced with Doc and Jimmy. Intimacy where they all communicated and looked after each other.

Not receiving that level of care from BigB had been discomforting. BigB had been so nice in their older conversations. Grian was saddened by how much the alpha instincts have changed him. He felt like the BigB he knew in Double Life wouldn't have been so distant. But then, the others probably thought Grian was different now too.

"Thanks for taking care of me," Grian said to Doc, who smiled and nodded.

"Of course. How are you feeling now, by the way? Okay? Be honest, please."

"I'm a little sore," Grian replied. "Hurts where he bit me, and... some other places. But I don't really feel bad. I just want to get home and get some sleep."

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