12. Bastion

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Everyone was too shocked by what they just witnessed to even move. Cleo let out an outraged shout as she hit the trunk of the tree, but before she could even get her sword out, the hoglin was snorting and tossing its head, goring her on its tusks. She collapsed and disappeared as she died, items scattering across the ground.

Grian stared in horror, hearing gasps and cries from the others. Then there was a scream and Etho charged toward the hoglin, sword appearing in his hand. He sliced the creature across its thick neck and dodged out of the way when it tried to lunge for him, and he attacked again in a flurry of quick, angry strikes.

With a pained screech, the hoglin fell to the ground, disappearing and leaving only a couple pork chops in its wake.

As soon as it was dead, Etho looked at where Cleo had died, panting. He went to pick up her stuff, then sank onto his knees, sounding miserable as he said, "I'm sorry."

Doc went over to him, resting a hand on his shoulder. "The hoglin was fast. You couldn't have done anything."

"I could have made sure we all put our armor on first. I should have looked out for her. Now she's yellow."

"It could have happened to anyone here, maybe even you," Doc said gently. "Let's not dwell on what we could have done. Now come on, we can clear out some of these trees while we wait for her to return. At least then it won't be so easy for another hoglin to sneak up on us."

"Okay," Etho sighed. He put on his armor, the others doing the same. Etho kept glancing at where Cleo had been, and once he had armor on, he checked his communicator, prompting Grian and some others to do so as well.

ZombieCleo was slain by Hoglin.

<PearlescentMoon> oh no

<Smallishbeans> You JUST made it to the Nether and you're already dead??

<impulseSV> Third yellow already, what is happening in this game?!

<Tango> oh we're not gonna be here long my friends, this place is gonna kill us within a week. First Life game where everyone dies from mobs and the environment, wow

Grian snorted at the thought, but he could see it happening if they weren't careful.

<Etho> Cleoo I'm sorry I didn't look out for you! Are you coming back?

<ZombieCleo> Not your fault, I didn't pay attention. I should have heard that hell pig coming. Yeah I'll be back, but it'll be a while

<Etho> I'll come meet you.

<ZombieCleo> No, stay with the others, please. You're strong, you can protect them. I'll be fine.

Grian looked over at Etho as he exhaled and shifted from foot to foot. He glanced toward the Nether portal, then sighed and agreed to stay.

"Cleo can get back on her own, she's tough," Grian said.

"Yeah. I just feel bad I couldn't warn her. That had to hurt." Etho joined the others in cutting down the trees around the portal.

Grian patted his back, then equipped his sword and decided to kill some of the other hoglins in the area. He didn't want to, but the creatures were aggressive, coming over to attack them, so he did what he had to do. He was careful to dodge their attacks, not wanting to die too, and as he killed them he was able to collect meat and leather.

Doc joined him after a while, and soon there wasn't a hoglin to be seen anywhere nearby. Doc rested his sword over his shoulder and smiled proudly.

"That'll teach them to mess with us," Doc said.

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