6. Canary

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When Grian went inside, it was with a sigh of relief, and he fluffed up all his feathers and shook the snow from himself. Doc had already put up a wooden door, and Grian saw the other sitting on a rug by the fire, which was now contained in a small but pretty fireplace.

The room was a little larger and there were a few more chests than when Grian had left, which he assumed Doc had made to put all the stuff he found while mining into. Then Grian's gaze roamed over and he saw a large bed with vibrant blue covers tucked into a corner of the room, and he gasped. "A bed! You got wool?" He hurried over to it, running his hands against the covers and focusing so he could set his spawn there, and then he gladly collapsed onto it. His feet hurt from all the walking, this felt amazing.

Doc chuckled. "I found the Ancient City. Stole plenty of wool from down there. I know where the Nether portal is at too but haven't gone through yet. I thought it'd be nice to do that with you and our omega. Though..." Doc looked toward the door, then back at Grian. "You don't have one?"

"No," Grian sighed, pushing himself up. He went over to the furnace, deciding to cook the fish he had gotten earlier. Then he sat next to Doc while he waited. "Scar asked me, but I said no, things were... complicated between us last time and I just didn't want to hurt him again, so I told him to find someone else." Doc's gaze flickered strangely but he didn't say anything, waiting for Grian to continue. "I already told you about Pearl getting Tango. I left after that to go find Mumbo, but by the time I did, he was already claimed by Martyn."

"Martyn? Oh... the blonde one, looks like an elf?" Doc asked. Grian nodded and Doc hummed. "Hm. They hung out in Last Life, right? You and them had a team, along with Impulse and Jimmy?"

"Yeah. That's..." Grian stared. "I don't think I told you about that?"

"You told me... outside," Doc said cautiously, lowering his voice.

"How much do you remember?" Grian asked, his voice also hushed.

Doc looked around as if expecting someone to be watching them, then shifted closer, leaning in to whisper, "Whatever it is that locks down your memories while you're here, it doesn't work on me. I didn't expect it to, and I was right." He tapped the metal side of his head. "I'm a cyborg. I have digital backups of all my memories. This server can't touch it."

Grian's eyes widened. "Oh wow. So you can tell me..." Grian got excited, getting up on his knees and grabbing Doc's shoulders. "How are things, back in Hermitcraft? Were Scar and I... good, after Double Life?"

"I don't think I can tell you much, I don't want to get in trouble," Doc said, gently taking Grian's hands in his and lowering them. "But I will say this. Yes, you both returned shaken, but you talked about it, and were happy with how the game had gone. And your relationship stayed strong. I know you don't remember all that while you're here, but you've formed a bond with him anyway, a very close one. I thought you would choose him as your omega. But I see that when you're here, things are more difficult, huh?"

"Yeah. I really thought it would be best if he was with someone else. But I couldn't be with Mumbo, and at that point it was down to Timmy or Scar, and I don't know where Timmy is. Still don't. So I went back to find Scar. Took a while but I found him down south of the forest, with BigB and Ren, helping them with their base. And... he's claimed, too. He moved on, like I told him to. He's BigB's omega."

Doc inhaled sharply. "He chose... oh. That was probably intentional, huh."

Grian nodded. "I think he wanted to get under my skin, pairing with the person that I was trying to abandon him for in Double Life. But it's okay, he's allowed to be upset with me, and if he feels safe here with BigB, then I want them to stay together. I think they'll get along fine. They seemed... pretty close already." He flushed a bit as he thought about BigB's wandering hands on Scar's body, the way Scar leaned back against him, talked to him about later tonight...

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