30. Mining

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Impulse woke up in the morning as he often does.

With Mumbo snuggling him, long limbs wrapped around him. His arms cradled Impulse's head to his chest, and Impulse could hear the steady thump of his heart. One of Mumbo's legs sprawled over Impulse's front, and at some point in his sleep, Impulse had wrapped his own arms around Mumbo's thigh.

On Mumbo's other side, Impulse knew Martyn was spooning him, an arm draped over his side with his hand resting on Impulse's chest.

It was cozy and warm, and Impulse reflected on last night while waiting for the others to wake up. The fight that had gone down between Grian and BigB had been uncomfortable, and Impulse felt bad for Grian being unable to get the upper hand in any alpha fights. He was small, his avian body more fragile than most people's. He was easy to take down in hand-to-hand combat.

Hopefully Grian didn't allow his sword to be taken next time.

When Grian's team left the party, Impulse had hoped things would calm down. They had all gone inside after a bit, as night was approaching and they needed shelter. But things remained tense, as BigB went over to try and hug Scar, and Scar had huffed at him and moved to another part of the living room.

Impulse could understand Scar's dismay. Scar had already had to deal with the heartbreak of Grian sneaking around to see BigB in their last game together, fearing that Grian would just abandon him altogether. And then this time, Scar partnered with BigB, was claimed by him and has been loyal, which Grian seemed to respect. Only for BigB to ask to fuck Grian, and Grian accepted.

No wonder Scar was annoyed. And Impulse could see how Scar's rejection only further irritated BigB, who had tried to write the situation off as no big deal.

Scar's head had snapped to him then, and he had growled, "Well if it's no big deal, maybe I should fuck one of the omegas here? Bdubs or Mumbo, hm? See who's more submissive?"

Etho and Martyn had both growled then, as did BigB, who also said, "Don't."

"Why?" Scar challenged.

"Because..." BigB had taken a breath, then said, "I don't like to think of you being with anyone besides Ren or I."

"Yeah? And did you think that I might feel the same about you?" Scar's eyes had grown teary. "That I didn't want you messing around, especially with Grian, after what happened in Double Life? I was so scared he was going to actually leave me for you, and you didn't try to discourage him. And now this, and you did it right in front of me."

"Scar... I'm sorry. It just came over me, that urge to fuck him, I didn't feel like myself. It was the alpha instincts, I just-"

"Don't blame the instincts," Scar had interrupted. "Be accountable for your own actions. It was you. You wanted to do it, and you wanted to mistreat him while you did, when I know you can be better than that. And then you tried to get me involved in it, I can't believe you thought I would want that. Please just stay over there. I don't want to talk to you right now."

BigB had sighed, agitated, but listened to Scar. The mood in the house had been awkward then and conversation was short. Impulse had been considering leaving when Etho spoke up to criticize BigB's behavior toward Grian. He had talked about how badly he treated him, calling him a horrible top, and ended with, "You called it showing dominance, but there's only one kind of domination I respect, and you sucked at that. You didn't even give the poor man proper aftercare. You should just stick with taking dick. Though Scar might be able to show you how to top properly, I've heard great things about him."

Scar blushed and gave Etho a flirty look. Etho winked back at him. BigB had looked between them with an incensed expression, and Impulse's urge to leave the house had strengthened. And then the thought was validated when BigB suddenly lunged for Etho.

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