14. Home

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It was a tiring climb back up to their mountain home, but eventually they got there. Doc commented that he might try to build a proper staircase winding up the mountain, while adding, "It would be nice for people to get used to using it. So I can trap it later," with an ominous chuckle.

Grian nodded in agreement. They went inside and he briefly stopped by the fireplace, fluffing up his feathers and shaking to get snow off himself; it had started snowing lightly on their way back. He wondered if there would be another blizzard later.

"So what are we gonna do for the rest of today?" Jimmy asked as he sat on the edge of the bed, stretching his arms and then his wings. Grian watched him, a little tempted to fling him onto his back and straddle him, but he resisted the urge. They needed to be productive. There was time for that later.

"I think we should work on the base," Doc said, rapping his knuckles against a wall. "This main room can be for storage, crafting tables, furnaces... but I think it'd be nice for us to have a separate bedroom, perhaps even a bathroom if we can swing it. And of course, a room for our farms. It would have to be tall if we want to grow spruce trees, but we have plenty of mountain to work with."

"I can start mining out a bedroom," Grian said, getting out a pickaxe and going over to the left side of the room. "I think it'd be nice to get wood floors in here too. I know wood can burn, but at least we're inside a stone mountain this time, right? They have to actually get in here to burn it."

"Right. Wood would look nice. Let's see how much we have, I can start working on the floor in here." Doc went over to a chest, gathering some spruce planks and getting started.

Jimmy joined Grian in clearing out space for a bedroom.

"We could put carpet in here," Jimmy said. "Might be a little luxurious, but we might as well enjoy our stay, right?"

Grian agreed. "We can grab wool from the Ancient City to turn into carpet. You want blue or cyan?"

"Kinda want both. Checkerboard it, be real obnoxious," Jimmy laughed.

Grian liked the sound of that. They worked until they had a decent-sized room, and went out to the main room so they could get the bed and move it in. While Grian smoothed out the covers and inspected it, trying to decide if he liked where he had placed it, Jimmy went to go craft a lantern and bring it in, hanging it from the ceiling in the center of the room.

"Too bad we can't have windows inside a mountain," Jimmy commented.

"We could have a skylight," Grian said. He saw Jimmy step closer to him and automatically held out an arm, and the other tucked himself to his side. Grian wrapped a wing around him, feeling more relaxed in his presence. He thought about the rage he had gone into when he saw Scar die. Part of him had enjoyed letting loose like that. Another part of him was scared of the fury he was capable of. He knew that if Jimmy died, it would happen again. He wanted to protect him and make sure that never happened.

Doc came in to check out the room, nodding in approval. "Very nice, guys. But I'm out of wood. I'm going to go out and chop down some more."

"Are you going all the way to the forest?" Grian asked.

"No, there's a few trees here and there down in the plains, I'm going to go get some of those. That should be more than enough to finish the floor." Doc started to go, then paused and looked at the two with a smirk. "Am I gonna return to you two having fun times without me again?"

Grian blushed and Jimmy made a soft noise, blushing too. "Aw, Doc, you wanna join in next time?" Grian teased.

"Oh." Doc walked back into the room, running his hand along Grian's back before stepping in front of him, smirking at him. "Are you offering? I certainly won't turn down a chance to play with two beautiful birds like yourselves."

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