Roadside Attraction - Part 2

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I wanted to reply with a cheesy line, but I was cut off by Stan's intense hit of the breaks. My whole body lunged forward, and since i hadn't fastened my seatbelt, I hit my nose at the impact.

"Ow ow ow..." I whined, holding my head back as I could feel blood running from my nose.

"Oh God, are you okay?!" Dipper asked, looking around for napkins to give me.

"Alright, road dogs! I got five bucks for whoever can tip the big blue ox! Go, go, go!" I heard Stan insteuct the kids as I slowly made my way outside with Dipper helping me.

"Oh, what happened to you, kid?" Stan asked with disgust looking at me.

"That's why I always sit in the front," i mumbled, still  holding my head back.

"I'm gonna go look for napkins." Dipper stated, leaving me and Stan alone.

"You and Dipper are on talking terms again?" Stan asked me as I sighed.

"It's complicated. I think he just asked me out on a date." I told him frankly as Stan stood shocked.

"Dipper? Our Dipper. He had the courage to do that?" I was bombarded with questions.

"Yea... thing is he has been acting all weird this trip. First Wendy, then the other girls. I thought he liked me, but all of these events are making me overthink everything..." i mumbled, feeling my nose ease up a little. The stinging was gone at last.

"You just gotta go with it, kid." Stan told me as he spotted this fairly old woman at the ticket booth. "Watch and learn."

The bleading finally stopped, and I could tilt my head normally. So my gaze was pinned on Stan and the woman.

"Oh, I seem to have lost my number! Can I borrow yours?" I couldn't see his face, but I could swear Stan winked.

"You are a riot! What brings you here? We don't normally get men this handsome around these parts." The woman seemed faltered. Well, that's a first. And it's awfully disgusting.

"Heheh. Well... Darlene, between you and me, what I'm doing here is a little secret."

"Oh, you seem like a man with secrets." The woman whose name I learned to be Darlene laughed at her own joke.

"Ugh," I groaned in annoyance. Old people flieting. Ew.

I better go find Dipper.

As soon as I turned around, I noticed him with some tissues in his hands. They were bright pink, and I could smell the scent a foot away.

"I hope the scent doesn't irritate you. These are Mabel's. I couldn't find anything else." Dipper explained, handing them to me as I smiled.

"Thanks, Pines"

A small smile tugged at his lips at the old nickname.

"Did I get everything?" I asked, trying to clean my face.

"Uh... you have a bit on your upper lip." Dipper pointed to his own lip as I tried to wipe away the blood from my face.

"Did i get it?" I asked as his hand reached my face slowly.

"No hold on." His hand reached up to my face, his hand cupping my cheek.

I swear i could feel my face flash red from this, and i wasn't one who easily got flustered.

"Here," Dipper said as his finger brushed against my upper lip. "You're clean now,"

His hand retrieved as I instinctively leaned forward, trying to get back to his touch.

One mystery left to solve | Dipper Pines (COMPLETED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu