"I never got to say goodbye to Evie," Aria mumbles "I didn't want the same fate for Klaus."

"What about Damon?" Katherine raises her eyebrows at the girl, "He's taken on the father role very easily."

"He has." Aria smiles at the mention of the older vampire "He's my best friend but also the father I never had."

Katherine opens her mouth the reply but instead she frowns and looks at the door "Someone's coming,"

Just as she warns Aria, the apartment door opens, and in walks a woman and a man. The young witch couldn't take her eyes off the man, his dirty blonde hair, and the smirk plastered on his face.

"Klaus" Aria whispers.

"Good. You know who I am." Klaus grins "At least your smarter than the doppelganger."

"That's not hard to achieve." Aria shakes her head "An ant is smart that that girl."

"Klaus," Katherine says, "Let Arianna go."

Klaus glares at the vampire "That isn't her name!"

"You'll regret this" Katherine warns, it was a risk for the vampire to say but she had to do something.

"I'll regret this?" Klaus shakes his head with a laugh "No, I'll enjoy this, this is the last piece of business before the sacrifice."

"I'm business to you?" Aria didn't want to seem weak but hearing him say that struck her to the core.

"Maybe I should of die with Evie"

"DO NOT SAY HER NAME." Klaus shouts.

"Why not? She was my mom" Aria shrugs her shoulders unbothered by his outburst.

"Cassie" Klaus states "Clear up this mistake."

Katherine turns her head to the side, not wanting them to see the vulnerable expression on her face at Klaus's words. Aria's face didn't change but the vampire heard the difference in her heartbeat.

Cassie nods her head in understanding before placing her hands on Aria's head, closing her eyes, and mumbling a chant on repeat.

It didn't take long for Aria to scream out in agony, like a hot knife was stabbing her mind continuously. Katherine used her vamp speed, pushing the women off Aria's head making the young girl sigh in relive that the pain had stopped.

"I don't think so" Klaus shakes his head with a disappointed look at Katherine "You are not allowed to help her only watch the show."

Cassie walks back towards Aria and places her hands on her head again, repeating the same chant as just before.

"Go do the sacrifice now, Greta will be weak if she uses magic after the combination."

Aria took a deep breath trying to control her breathing, "Evie would be so disappointed in you, but not as much as I am as your daughter." She states causing Klaus to freeze in his spot for a second before leaving the apartment.

"Katherine" the young witch whispers. "He never said you weren't allowed to talk,"

"Right" Katherine nods her head still feeling helpless as she watches her best friend's daughter scream out in pain.

"Do you think you could open the window?" Aria was hoping she understood what she was trying to do because this would be the only way for them both to escape.

"Are you sure?" Katherine was a little confused about what the girl was planning.

"Yup" Aria winces.

Cassie was in too deep with the chant to hear the conversation, she was in that deep she didn't even hear Katherine moving towards the window. "What now?"

The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now