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Y/n's P.O.V
Two giant golden serpents were attacking Megapolis.

I drove my motorcycle while MK hopped around on his staff.

We cut through the park, passing by some old ladies.

"Morning Ms. Li, Ms. Wang, and Ms. Zhào." I greeted, zooming past them.

"Morning Y/n."

"What a sweet girl."

"Such a dear."

Me and MK jumped in the air, preparing to attack the serpent.

MK had his staff raised, but I took one look at it, freezing in place.

I snapped out of my daze, seeing that MK defeated the serpents.

"Monkie Kid! Shadow Girl! It's your worst enemies, Jin--" Jin started.

"And Yin! The Gold and Silver Demons!" Yin finished, the two doing their usual poses, from on top of a building.

I quickly got on my motorcycle, while MK got into his Tuk-tuk.

We drove forward, ready to stop them.

All of a sudden, the two serpents turned into a giant pair of Golden Serpent Shears.

"With our legendary Golden Serpent Shears, we'll give this city a nice little trim." Yin said.

"But a dye job's gonna cost extra, and the only color we got is red!" Jin cackled.

"Them some big scissors." MK stared at the giant scissors in the sky.

"I mean, there's nothing wrong with red hair, my boyfriend's hair is red." I drove a little faster.

A gush of wind flew past us as Mei zipped by in her Dragon Jet.

"Anything else! Literally, drive anything else, MK!" Mei shouted.

"Hey! I'll have you know this baby's got loads of miles left in her!" MK had spoken too soon, cause just as he said that his Tuk-tuk putters, slowed down, and then broke. "Aw, man!"

"Yeah, I don't she has anything left in her bro." I butted in.

"Oh, no! It's the Dragon Girl!" Jin acted all scared and intimidated.

"What are we gonna do?" Jin and Yin started digging through a pile of relics.

"Oh, what's this inside my pretty new robe? Aha, Nezha's Universal Ring!" Jin tossed the ring at Mei, but she fortunately dodges it.

"Oh, so that's why Lotus Boy asked me the other day where it was. He thought I stole it. Wow." I stopped my motorcycle.

"You don't stand a chance against our relentless onslaught of magical artifacts we've somehow managed to steal." Yin cackled.

"Prepare to meet your demise!" They start tossing random relics and artifacts at us. "Eventually!"

Mei dodged them left and right. "Is that all you've got?"

And that's when Mei realized, she messed up. A bunch of items were thrown at her face, just had as a golden brick hit her jet, causing it to explode.

"Mei!" I transformed into a bird, catching her in mid-air, and turned back, which was a bad idea by the way.

"Didn't have a plan?" Mei asks.


We fell through the air, and I know a lot of you are gonna say to transform into a bird again, but this is Wattpad honey, we play by the author's rules.

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