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Y/n's P.O.V
Training was going fairly well today, that was until Macaque said it was time to work on shadow portals.

Yay!!! Right? No.

I ended up on the ceiling instead of the other side of the dojo, and Macaque was trying to get me down.

"Just jump kid, how did you even get up there?"

"Well, when someone learns something new, it's gonna take some--woah!!!" I fell and one of Macaque's shadow clones caught me.

Sitting me down, the shadow gave me a head pat before dissipating.

"I think training is done for today." Macaque said.

"Ok, I'll try to get it tomorrow." I rubbed the back of my head.

"Actually, training is canceled for the rest of the week." He told me.


"I have some stuff I need to take care of, so I'll be a bit busy, training can continue next week." He explained to me.

"Ok, see you next weak then."

I began to leave, but I wanted to give Macaque a hug.

Wrapping my arms around my teacher/mentor/father figure, I hugged him.

Macaque was hesitant at first, but he returned the hug.

"See ya next week to bud."

After pulling out of the hug, I waved bye, heading back home.

Once I got back home, the first thing I did was fall face flat on my bed and fell asleep.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n!"

I woke up to MK poking my face.

"What?!" I growled at my brother.

"I'm gonna go train with Monkey King today, and I want you to come with me." MK looked at me.

"You sure? I may not have training till next week, but I don't think Monkey King likes me." I turned away.

"Why wouldn't he like you, he hasn't met you yet."



I looked at my brother's pleading face.

I eventually gave in. "*Sigh* Fine, but I'm not responsible if Monkey King says something about me being there."

"Yes! Let's go."

Yeah, so currently I'm watching MK trying to destroy a wall while petting a monkey that crawled into my lap.

When me and MK arrived at Flower Fruit Mountain, I couldn't tell how Monkey King felt when he saw me, but MK told him that he wanted his sister here, so he let me stay.

Shocking? Yes, I know.

"Remember to step into the strike kid." Monkey King reminded MK from on top of his cloud.

"I don't see how destroying a wall helps MK train." I spoke up.

"He trains differently than you do other kid." Monkey King said, then went back to watching MK.

"You don't even know how I'm trained." I mumbled to myself.

"Y/n's right, when I found put I was going to be trained by the Monkey King, Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, I had no idea that I'd be stuck here hammering walls 12 hours a day. Why am I doing this again?" MK huffed.

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