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Y/n's P.O.V
Lunar New Year's, a wonderful time some would say, not me, I was busy making dumplings with Mei while Pigsy was taking orders.

"I feel like this would be easier if we had fingers." Mei looked at her hands.

"Thumbs would be good in this situation." I added.

Puck chirped from my shoulder in agreement.

"Thank you! Great! Happiness and prosperity this Luna New Year!" Pigsy served a customer.

"Is it just me or does Pigsy seem more...stressed than normal? Isn't MK meant to be working today?" Tang spoke.

Hearing MK's name made Pigsy enraged. "YES TANG HE IS!!! WHERE IS THAT PUNK CAUSE HE SURE HERE!!!"

"I remember MK saying he's taking training with the Monkey King to a whole new level, new year, new MK." I said, serving a plate of dumplings to a customer.


"New year, new MK, keep going like this, he's going to be newly unemployed! I mean it! If MK don't get here soon-" Pigsy screamed when Sandy appeared, dropping a bunch of goodies on top of him.

Sandy smiled like his usual happy self. "Good cheer and happy new year! Look at all these goodies! I got enough to share."

"Ooh! Thanks, Sandy!"

"So uh, where's MK?"

Pigsy climbed out of the goodie pile. "Would you guys please screw around somewhere else?! I got a business to run so if you ain't gonna help, go bother some other noodle shop owner!"

I dug through the goody pile Sandy brought and found a bouquet of lilies.

"Hey Sandy, can I take these lilies?"

"Sure, go ahead." He smiled.

"Thanks, Sandy."

I started to get on my motorcycle when Pigsy shouted at me.

"Where do you think you're going?!"

I safely secured the lilies on my motorcycle. "Me and Puck got somewhere to be."

I zoomed off into the city, turning down a familiar street. I stopped in front of a familiar house, the front porch covered in flowers and candles.

"Hey, Mrs. Carmichael." I knelt in front of a picture of her, Puck still on my shoulder. "I brought these flowers, their lilies, I remember you saying they're your favorite."

I set the bouquet of lilies in front of her picture.

"Happy Lunar New Year's Mrs. Carmichael."

I got back on my motorcycle, Puck sitting in the little basket up front that I had installed for him. "You comfortable Puck?"

Puck chirped, putting on a tiny helmet.

"I'm not gonna question where you got that, so let's go."

Zooming off once more, I stopped in front of a familiar theater.

I stood in front of the entrance, holding a bag of noodles, pondering whether to go in or not.

"Do I or do I not go in? What do you think Puck?" I looked at my feathery friend.

Puck chirped at me, giving me the side eyes.

"I know, I know, it's just, I want to come back, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to forgive him yet."

"Ugh! This is stupid. I'll just leave the noodles here!"

Quickly setting the noodles down, I knocked on the door, got on my motorcycle, and rode off before anyone could answer.

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