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Y/n's P.O.V
I hummed a tune to myself, delivering my deliveries.

You might be wondering where my motorcycle is, well it's getting fixed up.

Why, you may ask. MK decided to take it out for a joyride and crashed it. So I'm stuck walking until it gets fixed.

I sighed. "I swear, the next time MK crashes my motorcycle, I'm gonna pound him into the ground."


A speedy panda delivery guy stopped in front of me, then I was surrounded from all sides.

"Really, you guys again."

They revved up their motorcycles.

"Fine, you wanna fight, let's fight."

I walked into the restaurant with a proud smile on my face, dusting my hands off.

I looked over at the counter to see MK with an ice pack on his face.

"Let me guess, those Speedy Panda delivery brick heads jumped you again?" I sat beside him.

"Yep." MK groaned.

"Hmm, they tried to jump me, but they failed, though I did have to hide a body or two."

Pigsy clenched his fist angrily. "Those punks with their flash-frozen, microwave junk! Convenience can never replace a traditional, home-cooked family recipe." Pigsy looked at a picture of his mom.

"Yeah, but, they do do it quicker." MK spoke up.

I slapped him upside the head. "MK! Homemade food is better than microwave food. You don't get to taste the love in microwave food."

"What? All I'm saying is maybe Pigsy could afford to pick up the pace?"

Pigsy was leaning over the counter, about to wring MK's neck. "Pick up the pace"? You both are the delivery drivers, you pick up the pace!"

"Every noodle from Pigsy's noodle shop is handcrafted from scratch with love, and care! It's what our customers have come to expect!"

"Don't you worry about me, Pigsy. I'm a loyal customer!" Mr. Tang spoke.

"More like a loyal "freeloader"."

Mr. Tang gasped in offense at Pigsy's comment.

I finally decided to speak after a bit. "Hate to agree with MK sometimes, but if this keeps up, we're gonna be run out of business."

"Ahh, you three don't get it. I poured my heart into this place. From the pots, to the utensils, even my grandmother's antique windows--"


A brick crashes through the window.

"There goes the window."

The brick that was thrown had a piece of paper on it.

"Hmm. "Attention, Pigsy's Noodles! Prepare for your worst nightmare! We challenge you to 'Food Wars' to determine which restaurant truly regions supreme. Signed, Speedy Panda." Mr. Tang read.

"Does anybody know what the heck Food Wars is?"

"Food Wars! The ultimate arena for chefs to duke it out! Where the victors are hailed supreme above all others! Speedy Panda! I accept your challenge!" Pigsy had a determined look on his face.

I facepalmed. "We're dead."

Me, MK, and Pigsy stood in determined poses as the Speedy Panda was introduced to the challenge.

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