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The whole drive was silent, Hyunjin didn't say anything to him and when Felix asked something or say something Hyunjin just hummed in reply and nothing more....

They reach towards their place andFelix thought Hyunjin would carry him to his dorm but is he right or wrong? Is it gonna happen? No!

Hyunjin got out of the car and called Minho...

"Hey Min, we are outside, come and get your brother"

"Just do that yourself" Minho said from the other side of phone.

"He is your brother, you should come" Hyunjin said

"You take him to hospital, you are the one who is taking care of him since evening, you are the one who told me to not stress and care less about it, so you should be the one who'll get him to his dorm" Minho said knowing something is fishy that's why Hyunjin is calling him to collect his brother.

"What type of brother you are?" Hyunjin asked in disbelief.

"What type of lover you are?" Minho shot back

"I don't anymore, okay? Now get your ass here or your brother will stay here whole night and I will not give a damn to that, I am going to my dorm" Hyunjin said, you can say he is hurt or angry or emotional, or may be all of them at one time.

"Tf? Okay wait there. I am coming"

"Just come fast".


On the other side Minho never thought Hyunjin will talk in that way about Felix but whatever, Felix maybe did something and maybe deserve that.

He was talking with Hyunjin, standing alone outside the practice room so no one can hear what they are talking about.

'The fuck is going on in their lives' Minho thought and went towards them.

"Did Hyunjin called?" Seungmin asked from the other side of the room.

"Hmm" Minho hummed.

"I am going to pick Felix, you all wait here" Minho said

"I am coming with you" Jisung, who was lying on the floor, stood up.

"Nah! Jisung go to your dorm and take all of them with you and wait there, I will come there with them" Everyone nod on Minho's statement and went towards Jisung's and Felix's dorm while Minho went downstairs.


Felix is still inside the car...

As usual, Hyunjin get out first but didn't open the door of Felix's side like he always did but not this time...

'He didn't open the door'

'Why would he?'

'He always did'

'But you said him to not take care of you'.

'But he knows I can't do that by myself, my wrist is hurt'

'Then tell him truth and take your man back'.

😇ANGEL OR DEVIL😈 (Hyunlix) ✓ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora