● Sart Producer x Bandu ●

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● Gonna be platonic just because Bandu is already dating Cameo, there'll also be angst just because. ●

● Sart's POV yaaayy ●

Going back to the leprechaun's home, I'd really prefer spending time with my friends than having to deal with that phone-addict.
Maybe if he didn't have so many FUCKING PHONES, neither of us would have any problems.
I grumbled angrily, the sounds of my metal feet clashing against the ground occurred as I walked, seeming annoyed that I had to be here, just to try and kill this stupid motherfucker again.
Each step was quieter than the next as I approached his bedroom.
Though, instead of hearing the usual happy giggling, it was more... Quiet, and upset. The fuck was he doing in there? He's never like this, at all!
I slowly approached the bedroom and peaked open the door, that leprechaun was sitting on his bed, seemingly... Crying? I mean I've seen him cry before, but this felt different, that some shit happened to him, if I had to guess, it'd be related to his brother being a dickhead. I stared at Bandu through the door, before realizing he did actually notice me after about a couple of minutes, which he stared blankly at me, I couldn't even tell if he was scared or not he was just so damn quiet with his watery eyes.
I stood silently for a moment, before entering the room, seemingly more calmly than usual.

"Alright dipshit, this is gonna be a one time scenario for your dumbass, what happened." I spoke, my tone seemed all genuine, careless, and harsh at the same time.

Bandu sat silently for a moment, before he looked down, sniffling. "Expunged and Cameo got into a fight after Expunged was torturing me again..." He muttered, pestered by his own voice and sobs.

"So your sister and boyfriend fought, not that big of a deal." I replied, crossing my eyes, unamused by his story.

"...Expunged accidentally blew her head open when trying to break Cameo's... 'Systems,' or whatever.. A-and she fell unconscious after doing so.." Bandu then continued after my reply. "I'm worried it was my fault..."

"When is something not your fault?" I spoke smugly, walking over and yanking Bandu by his shirt, which caused him to fall to the ground.

He let out a groan of pain when he hit the ground, trembling beneath me as I slammed my metallic foot onto his back, which I think might have cracked something inside him, as he let out a short scream of pain.

"You're so fucking weak, god damn..." I spoke, crouching down and forcing his watery face to look at me. "You're stupid and a lot of people hate you, I'm going to leave when we're done here."

"Wh-what are you gonna do..?" Bandu asked, staring at me as he spoke fearfully.

"I'm gonna comfort your dumbass, because you usually aren't crying like you just were when I come by to murder you." I answered simply, explaining vividly.

"...O-oh.." He blinked once, before looking down.

I suddenly yanked him up to his feet and shoved him onto his bed, before sitting down next to him.

"Tell me everything you want to get out of your system." I spoke, staring at Bandu with my spherical eyes, waiting for him to start talking.

● Lovely timeskip to when Babdu finished. ●

"...Okaay then.. Well it's late enough, get some sleep so that I can attempt to kill you tomorrow, and next time don't be a sad little fuck." I spoke, staring at Bandu dead in the eyes.

"W-wait... Can you.. Stay, please..?" Bandu asked, seemingly desperate to have company so that he wouldn't be alone.

I stared silently before sighing, nodding as I released the sigh from my voice box. I told him that if he wanted me staying, then he'd have to at least let me invite my two friends, which luckily for me he reluctantly agreed to doing so.

● Another timeskip, again. ●

My two friends, Dunkaroni and Junkaroni had finally arrived, which they sat around on the bedframe. Us three were simply chatting as good friends would, Bandu was asleep on my lap as we talked, honestly I didn't really care about it, I just cared about talking to my friends.
At least tonight wasn't gonna be shitty as fuck, so I was in luck.

● 730 words, yaaayy.... ●

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