● Badamb x Bamwind ●

195 1 0

● Requested by blahaj_big_awesome
● Didn't specify what type. So it's gonna be fluff. ●
● No POV. ●

In the dark, Bamwind traveled alone through the night covered sky, walking across the streets with a fire in his hand, a blue fire. It held a natural amount of light as he walked, traversing through as he glanced at the sky. He was told that their was a visitor, perhaps an explorer of some sorts. He sighed, shaking his head, he didn't need to think about it, perhaps seeing this guy himself would do some good.
Bamwind continued to walk, nothing seemed to bother him as he went along his merry-way. Mainly, he was curious to know who this guy was and wanted to find out as soon as possible. Bamwind, at this point, needed to find out.
He continued his walk in the dark, peaceful night, unaware of what he would find out in the empty neighborhood. He heard several footsteps and soft voices every now and then, but paid no mind to it, this was a mistake, he should've checked around himself...

Out of the blue, Bamwind was startled by a voice, "Heya there blue fire guy!"

This startled Bamwind enough to set his hand aflame, about to shoot fire at the voice when he turned around to face them.
An unfamiliar face stood there, giggling to himself, he found it amusing how easily Bamwind got startled by him, his small, more natural and normal hand pressed against his mouth as he laughed softly.

"Sorry, had no other idea on how to get'yer attention, lad!" The guy smiled, relaxing his laughter.

Bamwind stared with a wide eye, before sighing, "Do not scare me like that, stranger. It is not smart, I could've burned you alive."

"All cool dude! I startled ya, so I can't blame you if you burned me alive, fight or flight instincts amiright?" The guy put his natural hand on his side, to anyone with normal eyesight, he had quite a large hand.

Bamwind examined the guy, though couldn't quite see him for his blinded eyesight.

"What is your name? You're not from here, are you?" Bamwind asked curiously, tilting his head slightly.

"Nope, came around on a trip, names Badamb by the way." Badamb grinned.

' Badamb, huh? Interesting name for someone like him. '
Bamwind thought to himself, nodding.

"Do you have anywhere to stay?" Bamwind asked.

"Nope! I didn't rent a place or anything, why you asking?" Badamb's head tilted, similar to how Bamwind's did.

"You can stay in my house for the time being, does that work?" Bamwind questioned, raising an eyebrow at Badamb.

"Works with me!" Badamb nodded in agreement, interested by Bamwind's offer, he does, afterall, want to see Bamwind's house since he also plan out on getting somewhere to stay.

"Very well, come along now." Bamwind turned away, walking off.

The two walked together, Bamwind though, he felt uneasy, a new feeling perhaps, and yet he mainly only heard Badamb's voice. Badamb on the other hand though, didn't feel uneasy like Bamwind did.
The two walked along the streets, each step led closer to Bamwind's house.

"I'm curious, first what's your name?-" Badamb asked politely, leaning forward to look at Bamwind's face.

"My name? Bamwind." Bamwind replied calmly, unaware that Badamb was leaning forward.

"Hmm.. You're eyes are cool, what's up with'em?" Badamb poked Bamwind's cheek with his normal hand.

"I am blind in two of my eyes." Bamwind replied simply.

"Ooh, neat.. Sorry for the poke then." Badamb stood back up straight again, his position untilted.

"Your apology is accepted." Bamwind replied to his sorrow, stopping in front of a blue-glow, white house with pink lines that run across it, the blue-glow being emitted from torches that are lit with blue fire.

Bamwind sensed his house and turned to it, walking forwards and grabbing the doorknob, twisting and turning it until the door opened. His house was elegant and clean, nearly in the excessively clean type of way. Badamb was shocked, his eyes darted everywhere along the strict lines of the house, he had never seen something of such glory, such elegance and beauty. He was amazed, and somehow, Bamwind was the one who designed all this, despite his two-eyed blindness. None the less, he stepped into the house, wiping his shoes on the shoe mat below. Bamwind closed the door behind both of them, before doing the same as Badamb, wiping his shoes on the mat before walking to the couch, taking a seat along the soft, smooth cushions.

"Come, take a seat." Bamwind patted the cushion next to him, waiting patiently for Badamb.

Badamb walked over and sat down, rather calmer than earlier, as his eyes continued to look around, in complete shock still.

"I sense your surprise, it's abnormal to see such a setup made by one with blind sight, hm?" Bamwind glanced at Badamb, as he could sense that's where his presence was.

"Indeed.. This place, it's just- How?? It's so beautiful in here!" Badamb nodded, continuing his exploration with his eyes.

The two sat in silence, before Badamb looked at Bamwind, "So, uhm... Now what?-"

"Is there something you prefer to do? There are many things within my house to do." Bamwind, listening to Badamb's voice, looked over at him.

"Hmm.. Can I know more about you?" Badamb questioned, tilting his head.

"Of course, ask your questions." Bamwind nodded, waiting patiently.

Badamb thought for a moment, watching Bamwind cross his legs before looking back up at his face. "Howndo you get around when your blind??"

"Ah, I've learned my way around." Bamwind twirled his hand around, quite calmly.

"Ooh, alright, how old are you?-" Badamb continued to watch Bamwind.

"34, now that you ask, what about you?" Bamwind's head slightly, but barely tilted.

"Oh! I'm almost the same age as you, I'm 32." Badamb replied, grinning, "Anyw-"

"Ah, I forgot, it's late, isn't it? Perhaps you should go sleep, I have things I need to do." Bamwind stood up, holding out his hand to help Badamb up.

Badamb nodded and took Bamwind's, standing up and being sent to the bedroom. It took a moment, but Badamb soon found it.
When Badamb went to bed and fell asleep, Bamwind went to his own bedroom and freaked the fuck out, was he in love? He didn't know, he just knew that Badamb sounded adorable. He questioned himself for the rest of the night, even until morning.

● 1081 words. ●

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