● Bottom!Fem!Expunged x Top!Bendu ●

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● Yeah I know it mentions tops and bottoms but I won't be writing smut, so it's just gonna be like, normal romance. ●
● Requested by SAKURAAAI
● Bendu's POV ●

I was out for a stroll, you know, just taking a walk so that I can relax, afterall, it's hard having a very chaotic girlfriend. Yet.. She's so dreamy and loving, I really just can't get enough of her. Her pretty red eyes, gorgeous looks, man I feel like a fucking simp right now-
I sighed, the thoughts of Expunged stuck in my head, I chuckled to myself, ya know it sorta surprised me when I found out she was a bottom, I mean, she's a chaos god, someone who's chaotic and destructive as fuck, so you'd think she'd be the top. Though, for me, it's the other way around though, because apparently I'm the top, it's weird, but I don't mind it.
I decided I'd go and pay a visit to Expunged, haven't visited in the past 3 days, sooo- Yeah, I continued to walk, smiling as I thought about how happy and excited she'd be to see me, probably very excited, the type of excited to smother me in kisses, I would assume.
I sighed calmly, soon arriving at her house, going up the porch stairs and knocking on the door. I heard quick footsteps race for the door, and a bit of yelling, guess Bandu's there too, since that's who Expunged usually yells at. I laughed a bit as two figures pulled out the door, one with a tall, black and red frame, the other shorter with a green and blue frame.
They were toppled ontop of each other, Bandu, Expunged's younger brother was giggling under her, while Expunged? She was staring at me, blushing. I waved at her and greeted Bandu.

"Heya Bendu!!!" Bandu shook my hand excessively, as usual.

"Hola!" I smiled, Expunged looked upset by this, and got off of Bandu's back, snatching my hand from Bandu's and taking me inside.

"Ack- Aaw, is someone jealoous??" I cupped Expunged's cheeks, pulling her into a gentle, content kiss.

She kissed, back, already relaxing into my hands, I can tell for sure, she really loves me. I sighed calmly and brushed my thumb against her cheek, smiling calmly. She's just so adorable and precious, even if she's very chaotic.
I still remember the one time she was destroying a city, I had to yell to get her attention, because she sized herself up to a huge frame, like... 60 ft tall, maybe? Or even 70 or 80 feet. It was funny, she heard my voice and flew over to me, I told her to sit down and she did, the FACES of the city people were PRICELESS! At least I saved a good chunk of them from dying.
I calmly gave Expunged little kisses on the forehead, she nuzzled into my chest, I should probably get her to her bedroom before she collapses into a bunch of pieces.

"Don't fall apart like legs, amor, c'mon, let's go to your room-" I held her up and grabbed her hand, walking upstairs to her bedroom.

She followed along by floating, lazy ass.. I hummed quietly as I walked, opening the door to her bedroom and closing it behind the two of us, walking over to the bed and crawling onto it.
She stopped floating, sorta landing ontop of me, crushing me a bit.

"Aeck- Oohmf.. Don't crush me-" I gently patted her head, laughing softly.

She grumbled something, don't know what though, I shrugged it off and gently planted a kiss on her forehead, making her blush. God fucking damnit why is she so cute?? I held Expunged close, letting her nuzzle into my chest, she was comfy, I could tell. I'M GONNA STRANGLE SOMEONE SHE'S SO FUCKING ADORAB-  I hummed softly, rubbing her back. Today was gonna be a good day, I'm sure of it, especially when I'm with her, man I love her...

● 666 words?!?!?!? >

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