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● Expunged's POV ●

Sitting in my room alone, nothing to do.. Bandu went out with his dumbass boyfriend and I'm at the house alone. I could go cause some destruction.. Grab a few bottles of fear from people, heh.. Sounds fun. Hell, maybe I could steal a bottle of beer from that bar down the road. I think that'll be a good plan.. Eeugh but I gotta change forms first..

* Which if course, Expunged turned to his unfairness form.

What would I do afterr..

"1 KN0W!" I yelled, slamming my head on my desk, "0W FU7K MY H4ND-"

I stared at the desk, uugh I'm just gonna think of something while I got down to the bar. And which I got up from my desk chair and left my room, leaving a note in the kitchen because I know the phone loving shitass will raid the kitchen by the time I'm back.
Aaand now I'm off to the bar.
I left the house and started walking down the street, of course people started to panic quietly when they saw me, whatever.. Though besides them, Ringi and Bambom were there, so I decided to go say hi. I walked over to them and crouched down, I swear people these days are so short.

"H3Y R1NG1, H3LL0 B4MB0M." I spoke, my tone loud of course.

"Hey Ex! What's up?" Ringi asked.
"Hi Mr. Expunged!!" Bambom said right after.

"N07H1NG MUCH, 1'M JU5T HE4D3D D0WN T0 TH3 B4R D0WN TH3 STR3ET, S1NC3 B4NDU'5 0U7 W17H H15 STUP1D FUCK1NG L0V3B1RD." I answered to Ringi, standing back up straight.

"Oh! Alright, have fun Expunged!" Ringi said as I walked away. I could tell they were about to get bombarded with questions about how I don't have the utter urge to crush them with my foot.

I continued walking down the street, the bar wasn't far now, so I just kept walking. Damn this is boring, I wonder if I can start a bar fight there for theee.. What, the 37th time? Fuck it, why not, it gets boring there from time to time. Maybe I could do a few competitions, I dunno, I just hope this'll be fun.
I finally arrived to the bar, shrinking down and going inside. I walked over to the counter and sat down, eyeing the bartender.

"Heyo Ex! 'Nother one of them days, ey?" The bartender asked.

"K1ND4, 7H0UGH7 1'D C0M3 8Y 4NYW4Y 4ND G3T W4S73D, 1 DUNN0 ST4R7 A F1GH7? M4YB3 A F3W C0MP3T1T01NS?" I replied rather quickly.

"Competitions hm? Well I found you a new opponent, seems to be quick at'em." They spoke.

"0H D0 TH3Y? V3RY W3LL.. G1V3 M3 TH3 B3ST Y0U'V3 G0T, 1 W4N7 TO G3T W4ST3D H3LL4 QU1CK." I layed my chin on my hand, a devious tone growing into my smile.

"Coming right up!" The bartender got down and started reaching for things.

Moments passed and the bartender finally took out a drink, the one I always enjoy. In fact, they pulled out two, hell yeah. I took the two drinks and just started chugging one of them.
I carefully watched as the Bartender pulled out 3 bottles of fucking vodka, and 5 cups of beer. I quickly finished the cup I was chugging and laughed at how many they pulled out.

"T1S A 'L07TA DR1NK5 3H? N1IICE3.." I chuckled, eyeing them as if already drunk.

Seems like I've caught someone's attention, the newbie.

"Hola! Me di cuenta de que tines un monton de bebidas alli-" The "newbie" spoke.

"3H?.." I looked at this guy, he was wearing all yellow and had a cat like smile, a keyboard attached to his back from a strap on his torso.

"Oh, you mustn't know spanish, my apologies, I noticed you had a lot of drinks! Quite interesting, you must be that one man who has won many competitions here, no?" The guy asked.

"Y3AH 7HAT'D B3 ME, WHA7 4B0UT 1T?" I immediately downed the second drink, seeming close to being drunk.

"Ah! Wonderful to know! Well, I'm Bendu, and you are?" Bendu asked me, the fuck he wanted my name? Eegh I already hate his name.. Sounds too similar to my brother. But something feels off..

"3XPUN6ED." I replied, is his face turning fucking red?..

"Ah, well may I sit here with you?" Bendu asked, iling at me.

I chugged 2 bottles of the vodka, and nodded as I did so.

"Hmm, may I have 4 shots too?" I heard Bendu question the Bartender, sitting down on a chair next to me.

I began to drink the next bottle of vodka, Bendu got his shots and started drinking them. Seems like although told that he's a good competitor, he gets wasted easily. Of course I was finishing my drinks, the last cup of beer. I was definitely wasted already.

"HHHE3H.. G0OD.."
* Expunged hiccuped.

I chuckled quietly, looking at Bendu, who was finishing their last shot. They looked back at me. Hehe.. They're kinda cute honestly.. WAIT HUUH-
Bendu looked at me, his face seems red.. GOD! WHY DO I NOT WANT TO HURT THIS WASTE OF POLYGONS?!

"Holaa papii.. Como estaas?."
He looked drunk as fuck, imagi-

I looked at the bartender and payed for the drinks, as well Bendu's. Afterwards, I grabbed Bendu's hand and dragged him to my house, I suspect Bandu's already home, but at this point I'm too drunk to care.. I finally got home and walked inside, closing the door behind me of course. I just dropped Bendu at the couch and sat down next to him, man spreading as I always do. Bendu just giggled quietly and layed their head on my shoulder, slowly falling asleep.

Damn feels like bro's a simp, but he is drunk so eh.. But I swear I don't understand, this guy is the first person that I haven't wanted to torture. It doesn't matter, he's still kinda cute.. FUCK WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING?! UUGH WHATEVER!

● Small time skip Ig

I woke up after a few hours, Bendu wasn't asleep on my shoulder, wonder where he went-
No matter, I got up from the catch, still in a partially drunk state. I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, and oh, Bendu's still here. Kiiinda thought he had already left, but eh I'm not complaining.
I walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a cup, walking to the fridge and letting it dispense ice and water. Bendu saw I was here and greeted me. I greeted them back as I downed the entire fucking cup of water.

"Mmhhehe.. It's cuute when you do that.."

God he's so adorable... I think I'll keep him, mortal or not..


● 1173 words zaamn. ●

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