● Ringi x Dale ●

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● Well uh, starting at Ringi's POV ●

● Gonna be like, Idk a romance/fluff part or smth ●

It was a nice night, stars were shining, clouds were passing, and a nice cool breeze to top it all off.
I was walking carrying a sleeping Bambom, because we did a lot today and it tired him out, he had a really fun time at the fair specifically. Though, he asked about the abandoned building nearby that got my curious, so I was planning to go there tonight. Really bad idea, I know.
When I arrived home, I went to put Bambom in his bed, tucking him in and leaving. I went back downstairs to grab a flashlight and extra batteries, putting on a pair of boots and getting ready to leave.
I exited my house and began walking, the building wasn't far, so it didn't talk long to arrive.
When I got the to the building, I opened to creaky door and walked in slowly. There was fucking spiders, dust, cobwebs, broken floorboards and walls, everything an abandoned building would usually have. I sighed, avoiding most of the mess as I turned my flashlight on and began exploring. Examining every detail of my surroundings.
I walked down the hall, only going further into the building. It was pretty empty, though that's normal.
I was exploring up a few floors, before I heard noises coming from downstairs. A little confused, I went downstairs and looked around each floor. The noises were coming from the floor below each time I went down. Until...

The basement was the only floor below me.

I went to the basement door entrance, and opened it. I held the flashlight and shined it down the stairs. I could see some.. Faint red liquid on the ground, now that I mention it, there was a lot of it when I searched around.
I sighed, and readied myself, going down the steps one by one. Each step I took, another creak emitted. I heard a lot more noise coming from the basement, and when I finally reached the floor, I finally realized why...

There was someone standing at a table that both were covered in blood. A body was on the table, and they had a knife in their head.

I stared, horrified at the sight before me. I was scared, my breath8ng intensified as I slowly backed up, though.. I tripped on the stairs. I took a quick glance at the stairs before I looked back, the figure was approaching me..
I was almost hyperventilating when they bent down in front of me, staring directly into my eyes. Their head cracked as it turned in a sharp motion. As instinct, I turned the flashlight t9 the brightest mode and shined it in the being's face.
They shot their head away and growled, as if the light extremely bothered them.

"..O..FFHG..-" It spoke in an irritated tone.

I turned off the flashlight. When I did, it looked back at me, snarling. I trembled like crazy, the figure grabbed me by my shirt's collar, pulling me toward them. They held be excessively close to their face, examining every detail of mine.
I was terrified, so much to the point tears were forming in my fucking eyes.
He grinned, amused by my fear. But.. Something struck him, in some way, his cheeks, they were... Oddly Hued with a bit of.. Red?-
I stared at him, his grin shrank a bit. I didn't notice but he was kind of.. Pulling me closer. That was until I realized he was nearly an inch away from my face, I could feel his heavy breaths on me. God I wanna puke, it smells like blood and organs...

"Ddd..Alhhe.." He spoke again.

I stared for a moment, perplexed in many ways, before I realized.. That must be his name! "R-ringi.." I replied.

He grinned, god his smile is scary as fuck, but.. it brings me such a.. Warm feeling, for some reason. And then it happened.

He just.. Kissed me. Though he had let me go after he pulled away, leaving me confused and flustered.

He chuckled at this, seeming amused. I thought he was gonna fucking kill me! Thank god he didn't at least.. But now I know.


I'll keep that in mind.. Even though I met Dale because of it.. Well, at least he hasn't done anything to hurt me yet. I stood up, wiping off a bit of the dust that got on me, sighing quietly. I looked around the room, a bit worried by the stench, even just the mess.
Dale somehow wasn't bothered at all by the problems, at least not the way I am.. I hesitated, but walked over to Dale, wanting to examine what he was doing. Though expectedly, he was chopping someone up... I was directly shivering, and glanced at Dale.

"H-hey uh.. Dale..-" I spoke quietly.

He looked at me, his head cracking when it tilted.

"I'm.. Gonna leave, o-okay?-" I looked at the exit nervously.

Dale stared silently, before nodding, waving goodbye to me.

"G-goodbye-" I smiled weakly, before leaving to go upstairs and get the FUCK out of the building.

And once I was out, I ran back to my house as quickly as I could, breathing more heavily than I ever have.

"I AM NEVER DOING THAT AGA- Maybe I should visit though..."

● Hahdhfjrjdnfjt 928 words- ●

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