Been Through Trauma

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Tonight I sit and ponder
Thoughts of trauma in my head
Memories of pain and sorrow
That I thought I had shed

Things that I have been through
Things that make me cry
Triggers that bring me back
To a time I want to die

The fear, the hurt, the anguish
That I thought I had buried deep
Rises to the surface now
Though I thought I'd found some peace

Trauma that I thought was gone
But was only lying dormant
Waiting to come back to life
And make my spirit lament

The flashbacks, the triggers
The emotions so intense
They make me scream in agony
And make me question my sense

The pain lingers on and on
Though I wish I could just forget
But I know that it's a part of me
And I must learn to accept

So I sit here in the darkness
Alone with my thoughts of pain
Trying to find a way forward
Though I may never be the same

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