"I am, D/n. And I came with an offer you cannot refuse."

Y/n inhaled sharply at the revelation just as everything seemed to freeze around her. The world beneath her feet slipped out from under her and she went tumbling forward into the depths of nothing.

"That was your father," Slenderman's voice reached her head, but she could not see him, "that was the day he made us a deal...one that I would regret ever agreeing to. He was a charismatic man... A human who hid his cards well."

Even though Y/n could not control herself through this free-fall, she was still able to speak, "I...I thought the thing controlling Sasha was the one who my father made a deal with?"

There was no answer for what felt like minutes.

"We will get to that."

There was a sudden, bright flash that forced Y/n to squeeze her eyes shut. The female felt her body hit the ground, hard, but nothing in her body shattered. Nothing in her body felt hurt, just the phantom pains twitching along her muscles and nerves as her brain shook from the experience. She lifted herself quickly, looking around.

It seemed that she had been planted in a large forest of some kind, but nearby she heard the sounds of voices. They weren't moving, so she could only assume they were stationary.

"Hell, yea, dude! I knew we could count on you!" A man, his voice only vaguely familiar, called from between the trees as Y/n approached. Her eyes searched the green until she spotted the very familiar, bland grey outfits. The ones that she and forty-nine other contestants had to wear for what seemed like a month straight.

She recognized the majority of them.

Brian Venan sat on the grass with his hand patting the shoulder of Sasha next to him. Brian had a large grin across his face while Sasha smiled fondly at the man. Not far off Samantha and S/n chatted with each other, both with smiles on their faces. If Y/n saw this without knowing who these people were, she would've thought they all were the kindest group alive.

"So, you know what you need to do, right? After all, we can't let her get away with this." Brian removed his hand as he leaned back with one hand to prop himself behind him. Sasha blinked and nodded firmly, looking over at S/n, then back at Brian.

"Yes! I'll do my best to help out. Did you say she jumped off in the waterfall?" He responded, tilting his head over through the trees which were past the other man's head. He nodded, then looked over at S/n.

"Yep, S/n said that Y/n had attempted to push her off!" He shook his head, turning his head back to Sasha, "when that failed, she jumped off to avoid the consequences."

Sasha's brows furrowed at the explanation, but he nodded. Y/n's jaw dropped at the information, her eyes burning hot with the need to cry as she focused her attention on S/n. Betrayal. Why did this show bring out so much betrayal?

"To my surprise," the entity's voice caused Y/n to jump as she watched the humans freeze in place around her, "they were going to use you as a sacrifice to summon me. Where they got this information from...well, I was not surprised to learn that they received it from Jeffrey Woods," Y/n rolled her eyes.

With one quick snap of someone's fingers and a blink of Y/n's eyes, she was in an all-new scenery.

It was dark, but there she was, standing in a dimly lit room with a thick wall of glass separating her from a large array of machines and what looked like a number of guards and scientists on the other side.

"Is it finished yet?" A voice spoke loudly over a speaker above her head, causing her chin to lift to stare at it.

"Don't rush me," BEN's voice caused Y/n to spin around and glare at the bright screens that burned into her iris', "perfection isn't rushed."

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