Chapter 11

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Y/n watched the timer on the screen tick down as she sat in the center of the room, a hardcover book clenched in her right hand. There was nothing in this room that could make a fine weapon, so she had to make do with what was available to her.

BEGINS: 00:00:02:06

At this time, her heart was pounding with adrenaline and her stomach churned with anxiety. It felt like the maze all over again except she knew-- everyone knew what this was and what they were doing here. Yet, this also made her angry. Y/n had to get out of here, she knew she had to, but maybe this time it'd be different. This time, maybe she could escape with others rather than by herself.

Y/n stood up, the clock showing that there was one minute left. She hurried over to the door to the right rather than the one under the screen and pressed herself close to the wall, her ear pressed against the wall. Y/n closed her eyes to listen for anything or anyone beyond it, but no luck. Either these walls were padded with mass on the inside or there was nobody beyond this door; the latter meant that this place was bigger than Y/n had thought.

Opening her eyes, Y/n heard a click, a sound that echoed at least two more times in her room. She reached quickly to the handle on the door she stood near and twisted, it was unlocked. The female opened the door quickly... It turned out, the next room was the same size as her previous room, except, there was a large pillar in the center and the whole entire room was filled floor to ceiling with white tile.

Curious, she began searching around and spotted a metal pipe lying near a pipe connected to the wall which was open and spilling water slowly into a drain. Y/n hurried over and switched the book to her left hand and held the pipe in her right. She'd use the book as a projectile while the pipe would be used for melee. This room would also make a great source of fresh water (at least she hoped it was fresh), so she decided to do her best and remember her path.

Y/n held the back of her hand out (which held the rod) to test the water. It fell against the back of her hand, cold, which sent a shiver up her arm, then, she tentatively took a drink. Her throat had become dry through the time she had been up in the cage and down in the room and who knew how long she was going to be in this mess?

Despite this box room being almost entirely empty, there were three doors, the one she just came from, and two others; one of them had a screen above it, reading the same words that she had seen from her own room.


Y/n decided to try the door underneath the screen this time, and when gripping the handle, the image of the dream she had crossed her mind, but this time, her hand was upon the door. She waited for a moment, waiting for a woman to rush through, reaching out with hands ready to kill, but she never came through. There was a small twitch of her lip from amusement due to the fact she would have believed in a dream becoming reality.

Twisting the knob and opening the door, she noticed the drastic change in scenery. This whole room was filled to the brim with plants and trees, and the ground was covered in grass, whether it was fake or not, she did not know. It replicated a forest, and this room was quite large. Y/n couldn't see any of the other doors around, so she believed she'd have to find it on her own.

Y/n stepped through and softly shut the door behind her so as to not alert anyone around. The female still could not believe that this...situation was repeating itself. A killing game? She mentally scoffed. The people behind it were psychopaths, just like her father.

Keeping to the right side of the room while traversing the false forest, Y/n noticed a few things about it. There were indeed walls around her, poorly painted to show off a distant view of trees and plants in the vast distance. They clearly were intending to keep all who were inside trapped, so why would they try and create their own forest?

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