Epilogue - Masky

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She knew Masky was...more of the lead than anyone in the time she had been by his side. He was the most capable, at least in her eyes. Perhaps even Slenderman agreed with her, silently of course. There was a small nod, one that Y/n couldn't see due to her eyes being closed.

"Good choice," an audible agreement now. She could feel the hand that Slenderman held was slipping away from her own, mind spinning and body tilting slightly as the buzzing in the back of her mind slowly faded, "this will only take a moment..."

Y/n squeezed her eyes shut tighter. Even without sight, she could feel the way the entire world spun on her heels and wracked her senses. For a moment, she stumbled backward but shot her eyes open when her back met with a solid force of a cool wall. At the harsh thud against the wall, bits and pieces of the old paint or wallpaper fluttered to the floor.

The place she was currently standing in was the hall of some sort of large building; it wasn't the building she was in before as these hallways were much smaller and much older. There were multiple doorways lining the wall she was facing. She shifted nervously, her mind still taking in the surroundings. Though, as she shifted her weight, she heard the crunch of the old flooring and scattered debris beneath her feet.

Y/n cringed at the sound and slightly pushed herself off the wall, dusting off whatever clung to the back of her clothes. She decided it'd be best to find a more open area or room, maybe even a landmark of sorts that'd help her determine where she was exactly.

Y/n turned to her right and began stepping carefully down the hall, towards what seemed to be a more open space. At the threshold, she blinked in surprise. The area before her was more like a courtyard, a square, overgrown garden of trees cut off in the center of the area while there was the cemented floor that surrounded the entire section. Above the overgrown area was a skylight, the bright, real sun shining down on the wild trees and grass. If this place was better kept or well-maintained, it probably would've been a beautiful sight.

She stepped out into the open hall and looked around. There were just...more doors, more halls, but to her far right, directly across the small courtyard, she spotted a longer hall. Directly down the middle, at the very end, she saw what seemed to be a doorway, but without the doors. Light flooded in, but it wasn't like this place was dark, not at all.

Building her courage, Y/n began walking with light steps around the wild garden and then straight ahead. Though, when she got to the area where she was just about to leave the courtyard, she easily spotted movement ahead of her. Even with the light blooming behind the figure, she saw the way they stopped, no doubt spotting her as well. It was hard to catch what they looked like with the light casting a shadow over the front of their form.

Y/n squinted as they approached with quickened steps. Her heart accelerated and she almost felt the need to run until they called out her name. The voice rang in her ears. Familiar.

Wait, wasn't that-

Her feet moved before she could process anything else. She ignored the throbbing pain in her leg, ignored the feeling of exhaustion screaming in the back of her mind. Y/n could only run to him until they had made it to each other.

It was an odd situation in her mind, but Y/n hoped that Masky wouldn't shy away from something like this just this once. She didn't exactly throw herself to him, but her body was so heavy at this point that when they were at arms-length, Y/n hugged him. She wrapped her arms around his torso, her legs almost giving way as the adrenaline halted so quickly in her body. It felt like...Y/n could just finally fall apart.

"Hey, hey," Y/n hadn't even noticed, but now, finally close and listening to him, she didn't hear the usual muffle of his voice behind his mask, "breathe...you're okay."

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